Sorry if this is a dupe. I got this email from Feinstein this morning.
Thank you for expressing your opposition to President Bush's
proposal to partially privatize Social Security. This will certainly be a
critical issue throughout the 109th Congress and I welcome the
opportunity to respond.
Like you, I recognize the importance of keeping Social Security
sound and ensuring its solvency for older Americans. For this reason,
I strongly oppose private accounts, which could cost $1 trillion or more
and still fail to improve the financial condition of Social
Security. Unless I see a proposal that protects the fiscal health of Social
Security and does not dramatically increase the national debt, I will
continue my opposition.
Most policy makers agree that the rate of growth of this program,
as well as the oversight of its expenditures, must be addressed to ensure
its integrity and preservation. President Bush favors a program of private
savings accounts and will pursue such a program in the coming months.
Please know that I am committed to protecting Social Security and I will
keep your comments in mind throughout the 109th Congress. I am
confident that if Congress works together, it is possible that Social
Security can meet its long term commitments.
Once again, thank you for contacting me. I hope you will keep
in touch on issues of importance to you. Should you have any further
questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call my Washington,
D.C. office at (202) 224-3841.
Sincerely yours,
Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator
http://feinstein.senate.govFurther information about my position on issues of concern to California and the
Nation are available at my website You can also
receive electronic e-mail updates by subscribing to my e-mail list at