Rice/Frist 2008
There's lots and lots of speculation on both sides about the wide open '08 race and potential candidates.
I have this sinking feeling that Rice may well be on their radar. They would never deign to imply that before her confirmation, but now that she's in, keep an eye out for hints at this.
To be sure, this is rank speculation on my part.
It just seems to me that the usual suspects are not really on anyone's top list: Jebbie, McCaint, Ahnuld, Ghouliani ..... ain't hap'nin'. The country will be on Bush Overload come '08, so that puts Jebbie out of it for a while at least. Johnnie Boy is just too old and too tainted. Ahnuld ain't gettin' his amendment no matter what anyone says. And Rudy ..... Rove's already turned him into dead meat.
Frist probably has a hankerin' for the top spot, but I see him as so flat in the personality department (to say nothing of being just plain creepy and reptilian) that he will never get very far. But he has the RW bona fides to be considered.
Kinda Sleazy, on the other hand, has it all. Name recognition, high office with no voting record, "hero" status for 9/11 and the aftermath (yeah, yeah ... I know .... but *they* don't see things like we do), a woman ..... and black. Now, I am the farthest thing from a racist, but it is very clear to me that the wack jobs put a high value on a minority who thinks like they do. They're already playing the race card on her behalf and look for that to continue.
I see her as a tough fight for us. I mean, how can a white guy slap her down when she lies? Rush would be blustering for months over that.
Anyway ...... I'm just sayin' .....
What do you think?