Boxer just sent me this email:
Dear tubbacheez,
Thank you very much for your support of Senator Barbara Boxer's PAC for a Change. We look forward to working with you in our fight to change the political direction in America, away from the radical right agenda of George W. Bush and the Republican leadership in Congress.
We noticed that you may have received an error message in recent days that prevented you from making a contribution to PAC for a Change. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
We have resolved the technical problem that was affecting our online contribution form, and we hope you'll now take the opportunity to complete your contribution to PAC for a Change. If you've already gone back to the website since you received the error message and successfully made a contribution, then feel free to ignore this message. And thanks for trying again.
PAC for a Change is an integral component of Senator Boxer's effort to fight for a better America. Through PAC for a Change, she'll be able to reach out to millions of other Americans -- in print, on the public airwaves, and across the Internet -- inviting them to join our cause. Through the generosity of donors like you, PAC for a Change will also have the financial resources we need to support other progressive political candidates across America who share our ideals.
Again, thank you very much for supporting Barbara Boxer and PAC for a Change. We apologize for the inconvenience we caused you, and we hope that you'll now return to our website to contribute to PAC for a Change.
Doug Boxer
PAC for a Change