look at it but I am serious when I have a solution to take care of Social Security, the war, and immigration problems, as well as more jobs for Americans.
Bush states that the illegal immigrants from Mexico come here to work at jobs that Americans will not do. That is a mis-statement. It's not that we are afraid of hard work, it's we "lazy Americans" refuse to work for subhuman pay. Plus, these employers are paying a lot of these immigrants subhuman pay under the table with no benefits.
Okay, here is my epiphany (or brain fart) . . . whichever you prefer.
I say that anyone in this Country illegally that wants to become an American Citizen must spend 3 years in the military service of their choice (more soldiers to hopefully get control of things in Iraq). During their service, they will receive half the pay that our soldiers get (which is not much); however, they need to look at the prize at the end. Also, as soon as they start receiving checks, the Social Security, FICA, Medicare will automatically be taken out of their checks.
1. There it is. Any illegals will have to enlist or be deported or jailed. (they have no choice; however, they can choose the branch of the military they prefer. 2. They will start paying taxes, Medicare, as well as into Social Security trust fund. 3. What they make will help to take care of their families here (just like our military does now).
The only thing that could be a problem is the ones that are over here with their families. Maybe their families could be housed on the military bases, and pay for their keep with what their husbands, sons, daughters make for serving this country. Yes, they would probably get food stamps and Medicaid (like a lot of women with children whose husbands are on active duty, which is unbelievable).
Then there will be more jobs open for Americans out of work; HOWEVER, and it's a big HOWEVER, the people that are use to paying the immigrants $1.00 a day or per hour (I have no idea but it's probably something like that)would then have to pay a legal wage, which would be minimum wage, but if someone has run out of unemployment benefits, and have no money coming in, you will pretty much do anything as long as it's an honest days work, Right?
I know it sounds very simple, but is it possible?????