people are getting fed up with Bush's Imperialistic goals of "spreading Democracy". They're realizing that is code for invading and destroying Muslim States at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of American lives, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Muslims killed in the process. They're starting to realize that the economic policies of Bush and his ilk are destroying any chance of ever achieving "the American dream". He's turned it into an American nightmare. He "won" this last election because of fear. Fear that the Arab bogeyman was in our closets and that he alone could stop that bogeyman from opening the door and getting us. Fear got him elected, and fear will be his downfall. People are starting to wise up that they've been duped by this cheap charlatan, snake oil salesman. And they're starting to fear that what Bush has started is taking this country and the entire world in a direction we dare not go. They're starting to fear that their jobs may not be here in the near future, they're starting to fear that the once mighty American Dollar will not be worth the paper it's printed on. There are many fears among the American people, but not the fears that Bush wants them to fear. He's so conditioned them to fear that they're starting to fear things on their own, not just what the government tell them to fear. And now it's time for the Republicans to fear. They should fear that the mid-term elections are coming soon, they should fear that they've so aligned themselves with bush and his manic agenda that they cannot separate themselves from his shadow anymore. They ARE George Bush. THEY will have to pay the price for his mishandling of every aspect of American government. They will pay the price for fear. The minute BushCo. starts pushing Iran around there will be an up swell of anti-war activism never seen before in American politics. The demonstrations, worldwide, will dwarf anything from the Viet Nam era, and I was there for those, so that ANY Republican will be shaking in their shoes. Their time is up, it's spent. The neo-cons have over stepped their abilities. Within one year from now, this country is going to BEG for different leadership. And with the help of Howard Dean as Chairman of the Democratic Party WE WILL take back this country. WE WILL return sanity to the American political process. WE WILL make this world a safer place for our children and reduce a choking deficit that they will have to pay for. The time has come. It's time for the pendulum of world politics to start swinging in the other direction. Like the Dinosaurs, the neo-cons' time has come to an end. And not soon enough for my liking.