FYI PREFACE: Just an FYI here...this is a long post. It presents an overview explanation for many questions Dean supporters, as well as other Americans, have had over the past few years. It was written during the Democratic primary, when Dean was actively campaigning. It's about the "Elitism" theory of governing (a system, like "democracy" and "fascism" are theories of governing) as it relates to America, the people who really control our country, and the Dean campaign and the threat it poses to the "corporate/special-interest"-controlled status quo in Washington. ----------------------------------------------- ELITISM, THE DEAN CAMPAIGN, AND THE THREAT OF MASS ACTIVISM TO THE STATUS QUO How the Empowered Dean Supporters Pose an Unexpected Challenge to BushCo's Choke-Hold on America -------------------------- QUOTE FROM "The Study Guide for Dye and Ziegler's 'Irony of Democracy, 12th Edition.'" by Gregory Tilles. BEGIN QUOTE: GLOSSARY: elites: The few who have power in a society, including a modern democracy like the United States. The few who govern are not typical of the masses who are governed, and are drawn disproportionately from the upper socioeconomic strata of society. Elites share a consensus on the basic values of the social system and its preservation, and public policy reflects these values.
masses: The many who do not have power in a society, including a modern democracy like the United States. They respond to the attitudes, proposals and behavior of the elites. The masses are largely passive, apathetic and ill informed.
iron law of oligarchy: The theory which asserts that in all societies, including democracies, any organizations and institutions, governmental and nongovernmental, inevitably will be controlled by an elite. Power is concentrated in the hands of the leadership, and individuals have little or no influence on the policies of organization and institutions.
democracy: A model for a society which achieves popular participation in public decision-making through majority rule and respect for the rights of the minorities. The fundamental value of democracy is individual dignity, which entails preservation of life, liberty and properaty and a commitment to equal opporttunities for all individuals to develop their capacities.
power: The ability to influence people and events by granting or withholding valuable resources such as wealth, position, status, celebrity, comfort, safety, and power itself. Large organizations and institutions in society control valuable resources and their allocatoin; government is the most powerful of all of these organizatoins because of its accumulation of great economic resources and monopoly on physical coercion.
pluralism: A theory which contends that democratic values can be preserved in a system where multiple, competing elites determine public policy through bargaining and compromise. Although individual citizens do not participate directly in decision making, they can exert influence on public policy through participating in organized groups and political parties, and by exercising meaningful choices as voters.
NOTE: For more information on Elitism and Pluralism, the quoted materials are, of course, excellent source. On the internet, I recommend:
"The Power Elite" (http://www.udel.edu/htr/Psc105/Texts/power.html)
"Pluralism" (http://www.udel.edu/htr/Psc105/Texts/pluralism.html)
QUOTE FROM Thomas Dye and Harmon Zeigler's "The Irony of Democracy." (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0155061216/qid=1075214701/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/103-7385446-4237400)
BEGIN QUOTE: "Elite theory recognizes multiple threats to democracy: elite misdeeds, mass activism, and elite repression. While enlightened elites preserve democratic values, self-serving elites abandone the protection of democratic prinicples and sacrific societal values and pursuit of the common good. This behavior undermines mass confidence in elite leadership, as well as popular support for the prevailing political system. Irresponsible elites can be checked by elite-initiated reforms to restore mass confidence in government and preserve elite power...." END OF QUOTE
When the "irresponsible elites" (which, in our country, include BushCo and many other corporate elites) self-serving interests alienate enough people, there is a backlash. In our situation (i.e., the Dean campaign), it is "mass activism" that is threatening the the Elites--the real government system by which we are controlled.
Again, from "The Irony of Democracy," quoted above...
BEGIN QUOTE: "Elites respond in repressive ways to mass activism. By limiting dissent, speech and assembly, elites subvert democratic values..." END OF QUOTE -------------------
I. NO, YOU'RE NOT CRAZY: If you have lately asked yourself, "What the HELL is going on in our country?," take comfort in the fact that you are not alone.
There are many Americans (especially those who are opposed to the policies and practices of the Bush White House) who are wondering the exact same thing.
Why has the media become such transparent propaganda tools for a select group of organizations and politicians?
Why have the leaders of organizations such as AAR P and the Calif. Teachers' union-- whose members could have, in the past, depended on to stand up to the government when necessary to protect the interests and values of the organizations' members--unexplicably abandoned the welfare of the members of their organizations and endorsed the harmful policies of the worst of the Republican politicians?
Why have our elected Democratic politicians turned their backs on us and instead discarded every Democratic Party ideal with which they ever manipulated us, and supported BushCo's most destructive policies?
Why has our Party leadership--instead of using the gazillions of opportunities it has had over the last 4 years to remove the Bush family from political power once and for all-- vigorously tried to quash any Democrat's seroius challenge to the BushCo control of American politics?
Why is the Democratic Party leadership and its allies working to disempower and turn apathetic the huge, driving force of Dean supporters. Clearly, the Party's leadership clearly understands that the fact that Dean on the presidential ticket will ensure that a huge number of new and younger Democrat voters will go to the November voting booths to vote for Dean, at which time there is a good chance they will vote for other Democrats, as well. This can only be a boon for any Democrat running for office. So why is the Party leadership so vigorously working to sabotage Dean's shot at running against Bush in the general election?
Why have the Kennedys become the Democratic-Party celebrity darlings of BushCo and his allies?
Why was it that, until Dean spoke out, NONE of the Democratic Party presidential candidates said one word in criticism of Bush, when clearly that was a major campaign tool and avenue to win in 2004?
Why has the media become so transparent in it's unflinching pro-Bush/pro-Bush-Lite Democrat politicians/ anti-Dean bias?
And here is the question that all of the Dean supporters are angrily asking themselves: Why is the Demoratic Party--including its celebrities like Ted Kennedy, as well as the majority of other elected Dem politicians--and the media, and the corporate powers who finance all of the above--so furiously trying to sabotage the Dean campaign, which is the one chance America has had in 4 years to really turn our country around, and disempower the GOP and BushCo.?
It's because, to everyone's surprise, the Democratic Party's rank-and-filers, who the Democratic Party's leaders and elected politicians have ignored for 3 years while they did BushCo's bidding, have turned out to be a real threat to BushCo and the rest of America's Elites.
Who would have thought that the core Democrat voters, ignored by the politicians they voted into office, would find in Howard Dean a voice to speak for them, and that, finally having a voice, they would turn their "mass activism" into an assault on the Elites' status quo in Washington?
Howard Dean and his supporters are not willing to settle for having America's policies designed by and for the Elites. The status quo we want changed is where the Elites and "special interests"--which are actually "Elites' interests"--control the power and wealth in our country, and make laws and policies that benefit the Elites at the expense of the Masses.
THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS: "Elitism" is the real system by which we are governed. Elites, sooner or later, end up governing every country, and that is not in and of itself a good or bad thing. It becomes "bad," however, when the Elites neglect to address the needs of the Masses while satisfying their own Elite needs for increasing their wealth and power.
The "Elites" of all spheres of our lives (religion, media, government, elected politicians, corporations, academia) are actually who decide public policy (i.e., what laws and policies we have to live by). The public policy the Elites of our country legislate into laws and government policies the Masses (us) have to deal with has little to do with what the majority of Americans want. The Elites' public policy, instead, is designed, first and foremost, to protect the Elites and maintain the Elitism system of government.
In such a system, if you are an Elite, to remain an Elite you have no choice but to do what is needed to maintain the Elite system. The Elites have, in the past, maintained stability in the Elite system by, at a slow, consistent rate of bringing in new Elites from the Masses. The new Elites are usually people who have risen to a near-Elite status in the Masses, and have a strong impact on public sentiment. The new Elites must, of course, be willing to embrace the Elitism system, and play their role in maintaining the status quo.
If an Elite, or the Elite system, is threatened, the Elites will circle the wagons and throw any other consideration to the winds as they work to seal the breach in the Elites' control of our society. To do this, often the Elites will take away the rights and liberties of the Masses.
As an example, when viewing our society as being governed by an Elite system, certainly BushCo, Dick Cheney, Halliburton, and the leaders of Halliburton's powerful subordinate companies, would be crucial components and links in the Elite system. So would have, before 2001, Enron, Ken Lay, and the other powerful leaders at Enron, as would Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. Under an Elite system, if Ken Lay, Enron, Falwell, Robertson, Dick Cheney, Halliburton, etc. were threatened by scandal or a financial wipe-out, the rest of the Elites would circle the wagons and do whatever it took to bring the threatened Elites back to a position of power, so they could again play their role in government by the Elites.
We usually think of our government (because we were taught this way) as more of a Pluralism; that is, multiple groups, working for their own goals, providing checks and balances that keep one group from seizing control of the country. We believe--besides every bit of evidence to the contrary--that minorities have a real chance to become the majority. We believe that we actually have an impact on our government because we believe we can hold our elected politicians accountable (by the electoral process) if they screw up.
Obviously, this has not been true. The lengths that the Elites in America are ready to go to maintain Elite control of our country have been clearly demonstrated: **The 2000 presidential election vote theft; **The transparent illogical decision of the U.S. Supreme Court which appointed an Elite family into the presidency when the elite family's front man (Bush Jr) couldn't win the slot himself; **Antonin Scalia, a U.S. Supreme Court judge--blatantly flaunting his willingness to sacrifice the reputation of the USSC in order to serve the Elite Bushes--after just recently going on a multiple-day fishing trip with Dick Cheney--by refusing to recuse himself from an upcoming USSC decision regarding Cheney. **The media (controlled by the corporate media Elites) abandoning all pretext of being anything but biased and now --with litte concern for subtlety--demonstrating their role as propaganda tools for the Elites who control America.
But most importantly, many of Dean's supporters, in supporting Dean over the other candidates, in addition to attempting to make a real change in America, are attempting to hold Kerry, Gephardt, Lieberman, Edwards and Clark accountable for their past actions.
And look at the extraordinary attempts being made by the Elites to protect those Washington Democrat Elites from being held accountable.
The Elite-controlled media daily applies a blatant double-standard to the candidates: an excruciatingly overreactive (nearly reactionary), minutae-focused coverage of every word, phrase or gesture Dean makes...and, for the most part, a free ride for the Washington Democrat BushCo-supporting candidates Kerry, Gephardt, Lieberman, Edwards and Clark. The media blatantly ignores the hypocrisy of the Washington BushCo-supporting Democrats' criticism of Bush's policies, which they endorsed with their "yes" congressional votes. The media transparently plays the propaganda tool for the ultra-rightwing's targeting of a nonissue (Dean's Iowa speech), blowing it completely out of proportion until the American public's impression of what actually happened is coompletely at odds with the truth.
...and the list goes on and on.
While the Masses (us) have not REALLY had control over public policy, even if our chosen politician "won" the election, what elections do is show the Elite what we need to keep us happy, apathetic, and complacent.
A SHIFT IN ELITES' STYLE OF WIELDING POWER: Elites can be either "enlightened" Elites or "irresponsible, self-centered" Elites.
When governed by "enlightened" Elites--who realize that the Masses (us) must be kept happy if the Elites are to retain power (the status quo)--the Elites work to at least look like they are incorporating the needs of the people, while carrying out their real agenda (to maintain the status quo and Elites controlling the country).
When the control of all Elites is by one Elite, or small group of Elites, we have a Fascist state. Don't be alarmed by the term "fascist" because it is simply another theory of government, like "democracy" and "elitism."
In the past, we have been governed by "enlightened" Elites who have at least made an attempt at a show of heeding our wishes because they knew that if the Masses became sufficiently unhappy they would resort to mass activism (that's what we're doing with the Dean campaign) which is a BIG threat to the Elite system of controlling America.
However, we have seen in the last 4 years the Elites in the government sphere of America--aided by the Elites in the corporate and media spheres (especially the media, which so brilliantly spins and colors the reality they present to the Masses (us) in order to support the Elites' control of us)--steadfastly, and increasingly blatantly IGNORE the wishes of the people. It's like they don't even care that it is obvious they are ignoring the very people who they need to vote for them if they want to maintain the facade of the American Masses actually having a say in our government.
Why this change? ***Because more and more of the Elites' power--instead of being distributed among the few elites who control us via the media, corporate power, the government, religion, academia, etc.--has become more and more centered in one very small group of Elites: the rightwing and its leader (BushCo and the international Elite power that controls BushCo). I call this controlling group the Extremist Elites. ***Because the Elites of many different spheres of American society are now, like it or not, being at least partially controlled by the Extremist Elites. And the arrogant BushCo et al. that make up the Extremist Elites believe that they have such a firm choke-hold on the Elites that control America (and, therefore, a firm choke-hold on the Masses) that they no longer have to make much of an effort keep up the pretense of Pluralism in America. ***Because the "bloodless coup," or the control of all of America's Elites by the Extremist Elites, that was greatly accelerated by the 2000 vote theft/USSC decision, and shoved into hyperdrive by the 09/11 WTC attacks, will be nearly a done deal if the Extremist Elites, who really control America, are able to sabotage Howard Dean's presidential campaign, silencing the outraged voices of the Masses--who finally found in Dean a voice for them.
Unfortunately for the Masses and our country, this very small group of Extremist Elites who are running the show now are NOT the "enlightened" Elites. They are the arrogant "irresponsible, self-serving" Elites, who are not farsighted enough to realize that the Masses' needs must be at least minimally met or they risk an uprising of "mass activism," which is a huge threat to the status quo of the Elites' control of our country.
The Extremist Elites believe that the key to dealing with the Masses is to repress them, stripping them of their rights and liberties, using force if necessary. The Extremist Elites are also so lacking of the ability to see the bigger picture (i.e., anything beyond satisfying their own needs) that they don't realize that anything that is suppressed--including the outraged voices of the Masses--will only erupt later on in a far more purulent form.
SUMMARY: This is where we are now in America: the large group of Elites who governed America's spheres of power (corporate, religious, government, academia, media) have in the past addressed the needs of the people while carrying out their real agenda (maintaining the control of our country in the Elites). There has been a dramatic shift of power amongst this larger group of enlightened Elites, and they are now controlled by one small group of self-serving, irresponsible, extremist Elites (BushCo, et al.).
This small group of Extremist Elites are an arrogant bunch. They believe they now have such a firm choke-hold on the rest of the Elites (and, therefore, on the Masses) that they and the Elites they control no longer need to bother with much of a facade of the Masses having any real impact on how America is run.
Therefore, we are seeing the Elites in the Democratic Party, and even in organizations we always thought were really "for the people" (i.e., AARP and the Calif. teacher's union), blatantly, without even an attempt at offering an explanation why, support the very forces they said they have been fighting all these years when they begged us for our money and our votes.
This is why Ted Kennedy and Eunice and Maria Shriver have--by supporting Schwarzennegger's election--basically shit all over the very values they have used to convince us to support them and the Democratic Party. You can't get much more blatant than Maria Shriver working behind the scenes in Sacremento to use the political power WE--the Democratic Party Masses--provided to her and her powerful family to lean on elected Democrat politicians to endorse Schwarzenegger's blatantly Elitist policies which target the disabled and poor and benefit his rich fellow Elites.
This is why the Bush Sr library foundation gave Ted Kennedy its service award this year.
This is why the Democratic Party leadership has done everything it could to undermine a REAL affront to the GOP.
This is why the majority of our elected Democratic Party politicians (the ones who I believe are committed to maintaining control of ou country in the hands of the Elites) aided BushCo in their most heinous policies over the last 3 years.
Obviously, Howard Dean and his supporters are in for a fierce struggle to get Dean elected, and an even more fierce struggle after he is in office and the pissed-off BushCo-controlled Elites seek their revenge from him like they did with Clinton.
Howard Dean, by paying attention to the voice of the Masses--who the Elites had erroneously decided were no longer worthy of consideration--has built a powerful organization of committed activists, who are willing to go the distance to try to take back our country from the irresponsible Elites whose short-sighted policies are on the road to creating a world which will not support the existence of many of those who make up the Masses.
The Elites have already done much to sabotage our Dean campaign. If they continue and successfully effect a Democratic Party primary where the winner will be a candidate who is so similar to Bush that they couldn't possibly win in a general election, some tough decisions will have to be made by each and every one of us regarding what we will do for the rest of the election cycle which culminates in November 2004 (or whenever the U.S. Supreme Court again appoints Bush Jr to the Oval Office).
What does it say to ourselves and to the rest of America if we simply obediently back whatever empty-suit Democrat candidate the Elites choose for us?
Will we be affirming for the BushCo-led Elites that the Masses really ARE easily manipulated and unwilling to mount a serious challenge to the Elites? That, despite a quick distempered skirmish to support Dean, once they sabotage our candidate's chances at the White House, we will all quickly fall into line and do like we were told by the Democratic Party Elites and their masters?
After the thrill of having a candidate we could believe would really make a change, would we be satisfied with going back to being used by the Democratic Party as a tool to endorse and legitimatize their slavish drive to maintain the Elites' status quo?
There is much riding on Dean's campaign, certainly more than he ever anticipated when--so many months and miles before-- he drove across the Vermont border and started handing out flyers for his presidential campaign.
And the brunt of the importance of Dean's campaign is really riding on the shoulders of the Masses who are supporting Dean. How we conduct ourselves as the Elites try to sabotage our drive to take back America will say a lot about whether the BushCo-led Elites are right in believing that they have a choke-hold on our country and us, the Masses.