...when Iraq voters make their choices at the ballot box and the aftermath of the voting unfolds before our leaders eyes. I do pray that Iraq becomes independent and that our troops (U.S. and allies alike) can return home safely and quickly. The administration's actions and rhetoric suggest a different outcome however, and I am far more pessimistic of what the results of Bush's policies and cover-ups are likely to produce in the way of peace in Iraq and throughout the middle-east as well as around the world.
I put far greater faith in God's direction than I do in Bush's leadership and visions! Afterall, the story of the Prodical son suggests, "...The Prodigal Son, on the other hand, returns home only in order to remain the child of his father, an eternal infant, exempt from the Reality Principle and his responsibilities, thanks to the labor of his elder brother, and to whom is promised the kingdom of heaven, because he was not able to live in this world."
Contrast that to, "...the puberty rites of savages and from the tale of Pinocchio, children can become themselves adults, fathers, and kings only through a long and demanding process of identification with their fathers." and I might add maturation through trail and error and trial again.
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Pinocchio: The Puberty Rite of a Puppet
by Iakov Levi
The Tale of Pinocchio and the Puberty rites of Savages