all those who think the media is paid for ..........
"Separately, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and nine colleagues released a report showing that the Bush administration spent more than $88 million last year on contracts with public relations firms, an increase of 128 percent over the last year of the Clinton administration. Medicare and Medicaid officials have spent the most on outside publicity firms over the past four years, the report said."
I know that "they" use Hill & Knowlton and Creative Response Concepts to plant stories and to get back door access to the media ..... But I have 2 questions.
1. Who else is on the payroll?
2. How do "they" control so much of the MSM message. i.e. Just about a blackout on
election fraud despite tons of evidence.
As was mentioned on an earlier thread bush, now is using the term "Private Accounts"
instead of Social Security Reform. Straight up P.R..
If we are to take back this country not only do we need election reform but we also
need to be able to make sure "our" message gets out.