post their "thoughts" on the Repub owned Indy newspaper politics board:
On the revelation that a second media whore was paid to push Shrub's agenda:
"What journalist isn't paid for their views?
The difference here is - the liberal media hacks do it of their own free accord - which goes against everything we are led to believe about their "objectivity".
In response to this poster regarding the helicopter crash in Iraq yesterday: "It's taken this long for the media to start actually reporting how badly Iraq is going. If Clinton had done this and lost 100 soldiers, the media would have nailed him to the cross."
Moran #1: "The media has been harping on "how bad it's going" ever since it started, where have you been?"
Moran #2: "Not to mention that it's not actually going badly."
Moran #3: "Their death was a tragedy BUT--it is important to note the difference between accidental death, death due to "act of God" type natural disasters and death under fire."
Moran #4: "So if their first reason was for them not complying, and we still went to war, there wouldn't have been a sandstorm today?"
Encore performance by Moran #2: "Nor does it change the fact that we're getting the job done. The difference is that I can recognize that the helicopter crash was bad, and still separate it from the mission. You lack that ability, much like the lib media."
This is the mentality we're fighting. My head hurts.