Dear -,
On February 2, Bush will try to mislead the American people on Social Security. But with your help, we will spread the truth with our "Watch Bush Mislead" fact sheet.
Act now to help sap the strength from Bush's effort to use the power of the presidency to break the back of Social Security.
George W. Bush is leading the charge when it comes to the Republicans' all-out effort to dismantle Social Security. Next Wednesday, February 2, is a critical day for him: the first State of the Union address of his second term. He's planning on using his State of the Union speech as a powerful launching pad for his Social Security scare campaign. But we've got some plans of our own.
Today, the Democratic National Committee is launching a "Million Dollars in Seven Days" Social Security campaign. We'll use those funds as the seed money for the most extensive, far-reaching, and effective grassroots issues campaign America has ever seen.
This week we have two key tasks. First, we need your help to launch our campaign with your donation today:, we'll be distributing a "Watch Bush Mislead" fact sheet across the nation prior to the Bush's State of the Union Speech, and we'll need your help to spread the word. Keep an eye on your email in box for your copy.
President Bush knows that on February 2, he has an opportunity to shape the 2005 debate in favor of his reckless, radical Social Security plan. We can't let him get away with it. He will use the State of the Union speech to distort the facts about the current state of Social Security and to hide the disastrous consequences of his plan to dismantle this bedrock program that has kept generations of seniors out of poverty
Republicans want a vote within six months to break Social Security's fundamental guarantee, partially privatize the system, and turn it from an unbreakable promise into a stock market gamble. Bush's radical plan will add a trillion dollars to the already bulging Bush deficit.
We're going to make sure that, before they hear the President's words on February 2, the American people know the truth. It's a critical first step in sapping the strength from Bush's effort to use the power of the Presidency to break the back of Social Security.
We're counting on your active participation and your strong financial support., we're going to stop Bush cold when he tries to mislead the American people about Social Security next week. And for anyone who votes to dismantle Social Security in 2005, we're going to stop them cold on Election Day in 2006.
Winning this struggle over the future of Social Security is essential. We've got to demonstrate our determination and our grassroots power right out of the box in 2005. Otherwise, Bush and the Republicans will try to roll over us on one issue after another for four long years.
We will never let that happen. Let's set the tone right now in the seven days leading up to the President's State of the Union Address. Thank you for adding your energy and passion to this critical initiative.,
Doug, Eric, Jesse, Nancy, Morra, and Josh
The DNC Internet Team