Rasmussen released a poll on Condoleezza Rice's favorable ratings.
These are 8 points lower than the 53% number Zogby published yesterday. One of the more interesting aspects of the poll is that only 68% of Republicans express a favorable opinion of Rice, far lower than that for Bush. That makes me conclude there is more to controversy surrounding Rice than her role in the Bush policy. I wonder how much of it has to do with unexpressed ideas that a woman is not an acceptable Secretary of State? Even on DU, some, though not all, of the comments have focused on her gender rather than raising substantive concerns about policy.
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/2005/Rice--Secretary%20of%20State.htm45% Have Favorable Opinion of Rice
Survey of 1,500 Adults
January 21-23, 2005
Condoleezza Rice
Favorable 45%
Unfavorable 34%
"January 26, 2005--Forty-five percent (45%) of Americans have a favorable opinion of the woman expected to be our next Secretary of State--Condoleezza Rice. A Rasmussen Reports survey found that 34% have an unfavorable opinion of Rice while 18% are not sure.
These results are similar to survey data collected at the time Rice was first nominated last November. At that time, 53% of Likely Voters wanted their Senators to vote for Rice's confirmation. Twenty-nine percent (29%) wanted their Senators to oppose the nomination.
Rice's favorability ratings are lower than those for the man she hopes to replace. Outgoing Secretary of State Colin Powell is viewed favorably by 62% of Americans and unfavorably by 19%.
Among Republicans, there is little difference--68% have a favorable opinion of Rice and 67% say the same about Powell. Among Democrats, however, 59% have a positive view of Powell while just 26% have a favorable opinion of Rice. Among those not affiliated with either major political party 58% have a favorable opinion of Powell. Rice's favorability among unaffiliated is at 38%."