Senator Patrick LeahyI'm featuring Senator Leahy here because while at first Leahy said he likes Alberto Gonzales-after George W. Bush announced the nomination-Leahy took the responsibility of his vote seriously enough to deliberate.
Leahy chose to put the good of the nation above liking the nominee.
By yesterday, Leahy not only decided to vote NO, but also wrote an
excellent essay explaining his vote against Alberto Gonzales (Leahy official website, Jan. 26, 2005). It notes that Alberto Gonzales...
accepted a patently erroneous interpretation of the torture convention and apparently believes that the President, when acting as Commander in Chief, is above the law.
... Nothing is more fundamental about our constitutional democracy than our basic notion that no one is above the law.
Take ActionPlease phone Senators to ask them to filibuster against Alberto Gonzales.
Senators you can call include the two in your state.
You can also phone Senators in other states, such as Senator Patrick Leahy.
Dial 1-800-839-5276 (Capitol Hill Switchboard), and ask to be transferred to the office of a Senator.
If the above number is down, then find a direct phone number by typing a Senator's last-name at: leave a message for that Senator to filibuster against Alberto Gonzales, who lacks the attitude towards human rights appropriate to an Attorney General.