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'Payola Pundit' HOMEPAGES: 3 down, dozens to go. Armstrong

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AirAmFan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 10:59 PM
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'Payola Pundit' HOMEPAGES: 3 down, dozens to go. Armstrong
Edited on Thu Jan-27-05 11:02 PM by AirAmFan
Williams and Maggie Gallegher, two of the three 'conservative' columnists caught so far taking government cash in return for spewing Rethug propaganda, are in this list of 'conservative columnist' archives. This makes it an excellent hunting ground for more bought-and-paid-for "opinions". Look on websites for "conferences" where these names appear as speakers, then scan their columns for the following month, and you well may help bag more payola pundits yourself!

(From )

" contributors

Mike Adams
Gary Aldrich
Mark Alexander
Doug Bandow
Michael Barone

Bruce Bartlett
Tony Blankley
Neal Boortz
Brent Bozell
Peter Brookes

Jay Bryant
Pat Buchanan
William F. Buckley
Neil Cavuto
Mona Charen

Linda Chavez
Chuck Colson
Ward Connerly
Ann Coulter
Helle Dale

Larry Elder
Edwin J. Feulner
Suzanne Fields
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.
Maggie Gallagher

Doug Giles
Jonah Goldberg
Paul Greenberg
Rebecca Hagelin
David Horowitz

Dexter Ingram
Paul Jacob
Jeff Jacoby
Terence Jeffrey
Jack Kemp

Charles Krauthammer
Larry Kudlow
John Leo
David Limbaugh
Rich Lowry

Ross Mackenzie
Michelle Malkin
Clifford D. May
John McCaslin
Joel Mowbray

Bill Murchison
Oliver North
Robert Novak
Marvin Olasky
Kathleen Parker

Star Parker
Dennis Prager
Alan Reynolds
Paul Craig Roberts
Debra Saunders

Phyllis Schlafly
Ben Shapiro
Thomas Sowell
Jacob Sullum
Mark Tapscott

Cal Thomas
Matt Towery
Rich Tucker
Emmett Tyrrell
Malcolm Wallop

Jude Wanniski
Diana West
George Will
Armstrong Williams
Walter Williams

Guest Columnists"
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Clark2008 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 11:01 PM
Response to Original message
1. Look at that list!!!!
And they keep yelling that the media is liberal?!?!

I'm doubting we could come up with half that many names - particularly names that the general public would recognize. And I bet they recognize the majority of that list (meaning, of course, they've been "mainstreamed.")

I know there are several liberal pundits, but I dare say there aren't that many that are that well-known.
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proud patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 11:03 PM
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2. that is the list , and Honorable Journalists must purge the whores
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BrklynLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 11:17 PM
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3. It could probably be the payroll list .....
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Liberty Belle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-05 11:17 PM
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4. Don't limit this to columnists. Check radio and TV hosts, too!
Edited on Thu Jan-27-05 11:18 PM by Liberty Belle
Wouldn't you just love to find out Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Riley, etc. are lawbreakers taking illegal payola?

Okay all, let's start a list of right-wing talk show hosts on radio and TV.

:kick: :kick: :kick:
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AirAmFan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 12:18 AM
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5. Just google "'xxx' conference", where 'xxx' is 'marriage',
'faith based', 'privatize', or some other keyword for a hare-brained right-wing scheme, and 'aaa' is some agency such as 'whitehouse', 'hhs', or 'ed'. You well may find more payolaganda recipients, as this story just posted at 'Editor and Publisher' documents for the exposure of Michael McManus:

'Third Columnist Implicated in 'Payola' Charges '

Published: January 27, 2005 11:00 PM ET

NEW YORK Michael McManus, whose syndicated column, "Ethics & Religion," appears in 50 newspapers, was hired as a subcontractor by the Department of Health and Human Services to promote an administration marriage initiative, according to an article posted Thursday by Salon, the online magazine. ...

Horn told Salon that McManus was paid approximately $10,000 for his work as a subcontractor to the Lewin Group, which was hired by HHS to implement the Community Healthy Marriage Initiative. McManus provided training during two-day conferences in Chattanooga, Tenn., and also made presentations at HHS-sponsored conferences.

In the wake of the Gallagher story, Boehlert wrote, he asked his staff to review all outside contracts and determine if there were any other columnists being paid by HHS. They informed him about McManus. Horn says the review for similar contracts continues.'

(From )
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Spiffarino Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 12:23 AM
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6. I'd be very surprised if Paul Craig Roberts is one
He can't stand Bush and was dead set against the Iraq invasion. The neocons have disowned and threatened him.
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librechik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 01:40 AM
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7. Bush spent double on PR firms (from Clinton era)
Check the PR firms list of speakers and others that they represent. I know one was Ketchum, Armstrong W worked for them. There was a new story about it today, but no other PR firms were mentioned.

That would narrow down the list quite a bit...
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