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Missouri Governor Matt Blunt (Rep) remember the one who

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RUDUing2 Donating Member (968 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 09:11 AM
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Missouri Governor Matt Blunt (Rep) remember the one who
as Sec. of State was in charge of regulating the election in which he was running for Governor (saw not reason to recuse himself) and who used his picture on phamplets urging people to vote (paid for with state funding)..shows himself to be a stereotypical repuglican...

1. His way of picking the new director for the State Insurance Regulatory Commission?..get together a panel of Insurance bigwhigs and have them give him the name of who they want in the post and then appoint that basically the Fox is now guarding the Henhouse..

2. The idiot voters in this state did their usual *lets not investigate but take this on face value* voting and voted that all Hwy taxes should now go to MODOT for roads only...great right? Except that about half of the money previously was going to now we have a huge shortfall in money for education...Blunts plan to fix this?...80,000 people in the state will lose all medicare benefits and another 300,000+ will have their benefits reduced...and he is closing a mental health facility in St. Louis....
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nickinSTL Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 09:17 AM
Response to Original message
1. ugh...should I be surprised?
Edited on Fri Jan-28-05 09:17 AM by nickinSTL
How this idiot became governor...

Wait...look that the 'President'...that explains it :eyes:
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pstokely Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 01:24 PM
Response to Reply #1
7. I blame it some on the national Dem party leadership
Edited on Fri Jan-28-05 01:44 PM by pstokely
when the campaign decided to pull money out of the state in Sept, and the disorganized MO Dem party
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MadHound Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 09:35 AM
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2. And in addition to that, he's cutting money to other agencies
Social services is going to take another huge hit, and now the DMV is going to be privatized:eyes: Some offices are going to be closed, and this whole matter of privitization just shows how short our memories in Missouri are. I remember when they tried this scheme decades ago, and it failed miserably. Lines were long, confusion abounded, and corruption was rampant. But the worm has turned in the state, and once again we have to relearn the follies of privatizing state businesses.

And Amendment 3 was and is going to be a disaster. Few people in the state read the fine print, just listened to the propaganda. And all of this extra money is going into the untrustworthy hands of MODOT, whose track record is miserable. I still don't think that they have come up with a new master plan for the state, after being forced to scrap the old one five years ago.

Blunt is just another puppet, the public face of the ugly faction that is backing him. This is the same cabal that inflicted Ashcroft and Talent on us. Now they're going to run roughshod over the state, destroying all they touch. And more than likely, the various cuts in state budget are going to force more property tax hikes, just what I didn't need. It is beyond me how people in this state could look at this kid and think that he is qualified for govenor. The only statewide position he held(Sec of State) he fucked up, and that doesn't bode well for his term as govenor.

Luckily he has decided not to fuck with the University of Mo yet, but I figure he'll get around to it in good time. The wingers in this state hate the university, considering it on par with Sodom and Gomorrah. They would love nothing better than to bring the university to it's knees. Meanwhile, they're continuing to pump up and prop up that joke of a college in Springfield, SW Missouri State:eyes:

Hang on friends, it is going to be a rough ride.
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MoJoWorkin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 09:49 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. Hey, don't smear SW Mo State
There are a LOT of liberal profs there and it is not the fault of the college that the people who live in Spfd don't share their beliefs.
I got my degree from there, and I beg to differ with you. Norma Champion, and her Repuke cohorts just want to "look good" by getting the name change for SMSU-- Of course, if they can infiltrate and "take it over" they will try, but they haven't done it yet. A new President is about to be chosen, and one of the candidates is a very liberal and good guy, I don't know about the other two, but we will see who wins, and then I will tell you about SMSU's future.

See my posts on Blunt, Askkroft, our Senators "No Talent and Junk Bond" posted on "worst Senators poll"
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MadHound Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 10:10 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. Hey friend, I went to SW Mo,
And it was the suckiest two years of my academic life. It has been a well known fact for decades now that SW Mo is the place to go if you've partied too much at UMC and need to pull up your GPA. I was quite frankly so bored with my classes that I finally stopped attending them, except to retrieve/turn in assignments and take tests. And pulled down a 4.0 when doing so.

And while I agree that there are some liberal profs there, my experience was that the vast majority of profs at SMSU were quite conservative, as were the majority of students. Was Heinlein still teaching poli sci when you attended? Talk about a RW whacko, I still find it suprising that he was Robert's brother.

And yes, you're correct, the surrounding burg of Springfield sucks. I lived there for four years, and due to long hair, I was pulled over either walking or riding my bike eight times for the standard hassle. Of course I shouldn't be all that suprised, this is after all the town that had a young black man lynched a few years back for daring to date a white girl.

I'm sorry if you're offended by my portrayal of SMSU, I didn't mean anything personal by it. I was simply going by my own experience attending there and living there. Frankly I would probably have gotten a better education at Drury than SMSU, but by the time I figured that out, I had already fled the place.

There is a small group of liberals both on campus and in the city proper, but damn, they're just overwhelmed. After four years in that town, I had to get the hell out of there. I admire the fact that you could stand it that long, and if you're still living down there, I truly admire you. However my advice would be to flee, as far and as fast as possible. You won't believe how much of a weight comes off your shoulders when you get out of there and into a normal burg.
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MoJoWorkin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 03:55 PM
Response to Reply #5
8. I went to school at SMS first in the 60's then the 80's
I am nearly 60 years old and have lived in Springfield most of my life, so I know more about this place than you ever will. I was born here. I managed to form my own opinions and have been a liberal all my life, even tho I grew up in one of the most conservative places on earth. I had very good teachers in public high school back then. Also professors at SMSU (of course--not all).
I walked door-to-door for JFKennedy== in Springfield ==when I was 15 years old. I have stood on Springfield street corners protesting this war before and since it began. I will not leave here as my parents are still alive, live here and need me. Both my daughters live elsewhere---IL and Austin, TX.
I prefer to be a thorn in the side of narrow mindedness and a voice for truth, anyway. I have a sign on my front porch that says"PEACE". We can't let them win.
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MadHound Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 04:06 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Good for you!
I'm not trying to be combative friend, truly. But I just can't stand that town, nor that university. Every time I'm there, I feel like I've gone back fifty years, into a very conservative timewarp. It is truly a shame that it is located in such a beautiful part of the state. Even more of a shame that the town is sprawling out so bad, eating up that beautiful landscape. Has it now grown beyond Nixa? Wouldn't suprise me.

I admire your determination, and your courage in the face of such serious conservatism. It isn't something a could do for a long term period. While I was politically active when I was there(early-mid eighties), there is no way in hell that I would voluntarily subject myself to that again.

Cheers, and keep up the good fight!
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Neecy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 09:44 AM
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3. he's so repulsive
He was so smug announcing cutting 1,000 state jobs, giving the impression that these people were some kind of parasites feeding off of Missouri taxpayers. All I could think of was this will mean 1,000 Missouri families losing what is probably their primary wage earner in an economy that simply won't provide for the same income elsewhere. And I doubt these people are surplus - it just means, as usual, Missourians are going to have to jump through hoops to get anything done with the state due to lack of staffing.

Why do Republicans hate families?
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hatrack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 10:19 AM
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6. Can't wait to see what Governor Skippy does to DNR
My guess is that it's going to be very ugly, will smell like lots and lots of hog and chicken shit and be covered with woodchips. Any other guesses?
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newportdadde Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 04:13 PM
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10. Not all of us in MO voted for the asshole. :).
Has he started talkig about his 'medical lawsuit reform' yet?

Ugh... this guy was in the Navy then basically used his Daddy's name to get into office, his dad was also a politician and thats all he has done since. I don't have much use for guys like Blunt or Talent who have never had to punch a clock in a real world job with real world problems.

Since he is so young I'm sure we have a nice political future to look forward to with him probably as a Senator someday when Bond finally dies off.
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