Social services is going to take another huge hit, and now the DMV is going to be privatized:eyes: Some offices are going to be closed, and this whole matter of privitization just shows how short our memories in Missouri are. I remember when they tried this scheme decades ago, and it failed miserably. Lines were long, confusion abounded, and corruption was rampant. But the worm has turned in the state, and once again we have to relearn the follies of privatizing state businesses.
And Amendment 3 was and is going to be a disaster. Few people in the state read the fine print, just listened to the propaganda. And all of this extra money is going into the untrustworthy hands of MODOT, whose track record is miserable. I still don't think that they have come up with a new master plan for the state, after being forced to scrap the old one five years ago.
Blunt is just another puppet, the public face of the ugly faction that is backing him. This is the same cabal that inflicted Ashcroft and Talent on us. Now they're going to run roughshod over the state, destroying all they touch. And more than likely, the various cuts in state budget are going to force more property tax hikes, just what I didn't need. It is beyond me how people in this state could look at this kid and think that he is qualified for govenor. The only statewide position he held(Sec of State) he fucked up, and that doesn't bode well for his term as govenor.
Luckily he has decided not to fuck with the University of Mo yet, but I figure he'll get around to it in good time. The wingers in this state hate the university, considering it on par with Sodom and Gomorrah. They would love nothing better than to bring the university to it's knees. Meanwhile, they're continuing to pump up and prop up that joke of a college in Springfield, SW Missouri State:eyes:
Hang on friends, it is going to be a rough ride.