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The dictator, the saint and the minister: Poodle's new woman

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emad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 11:08 AM
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The dictator, the saint and the minister: Poodle's new woman

After weeks of speculation, the education secretary Ruth Kelly admitted this week that she receives 'spiritual support' from the secretive Catholic sect Opus Dei. But even if reports of bizarre rituals are exaggerated, why would she be involved with the controversial group in the first place? Andy Beckett investigates

Friday January 28, 2005

Just over half a century ago in Spain, a new kind of politician began to appear. As government ministers, they were young, energetic and highly competent. They were confident without being overbearing. And they seemed relatively free of fixed political ideas, except for a general desire to turn their old country into a modern, business-driven one.

During the 50s and 60s they opened up its economy to foreign trade and its poor southern coastline to lucrative tourism. They made themselves potential role models - complete with a suggestive group name used by some of their associates: the"third force" - for future generations of reforming European politicians.

Yet two things about the Spanish modernisers have hindered their reputation since. First, they did their work as part of the dictatorship of General Franco. Second, many of them were members of a new, highly conservative and highly controversial Roman Catholic movement: Opus Dei.

Since 1997, Ruth Kelly has been a similar modernising presence in British politics. As a Labour MP, Treasury minister, and now education secretary at the precocious age of 36, she has been busy, effective and - working closely with both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown - seemingly undogmatic. But being a British social democrat is rather different from being one of Franco's lieutenants. And so the revelation over the past five weeks, via a series of distinctly grudging admissions, that Kelly is also "in contact" (the organisation's words) with Opus Dei, and (in her words) receiving "spiritual support" from them, has been one of the stranger political shocks of recent British history.,2763,1400404,00.html
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loudsue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 11:42 AM
Response to Original message
1. On our Supreme Court, Scalia & Thomas are Opus Dei....
If that's not enough to turn your stomach, it's because you aren't paying attention!

These are religio-fascists, plain and simple. They want governments to be run as theocracies...with Opus Dei members calling the shots, of course.

It's so slimey...neocons will gravitate to it with relish.

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emad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-05 11:55 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. If only they were honest about their kinky sex proclivities! Some
say this is the only reason neoCons join up with this sect because it makes their love of self-flage seem respectable.
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