From friends at WSF...
greetings from porto alegre and the 5th world social forum. this confluence of peace and justice movements from the world over has surpassed our wildest imaginings. here is an article from terraviva, the wsf newspaper..to give you an idea of what we are experiencing.
"the traffic stopped to standstill wednesday night in downtown porto alegre. flags, drums, chants and some yelling broke the routines of this so very hot summer. the world sical forum is back in its hometown after its passage through an even hotter mumbai india last summer. the march for peace and dignity made it clear to all with its 200,000 participants. the u.s. sponsored free trade agreement of the americas and u.s. president george bush competed for the role of villain. the 5th world social forum has grand aspiration. it has attracted more than 5,700 organizations who will be involved in more than 2,000 activities, covering 11 main themes, and speaking in 16 languages including quichua, hindi and various other asian and african languages. more than 2,800 volunteer are involved invarious aspects of the organization. there are 100 concerts, 41 theatrical presentations, 13 dance performances and 85 art performances."
klaus schwab, founder and executive chairperson of the wsf writes an article entitled,"shaping the future: the work of social entrepreneurs" his words will give you a picture of the passionate, optimism wsf is promoting here. "as the world economic forum and the world social forum convene in davos and port alegre, respectively the mood is one of foreboding, a sense that deep forces we can barely discern are reshaping the world and that national and global institutions we have always counted on are inadequate. yet we are optimistic. why? because for the past four years we have worked closely with the world´s leading social entrepreneurs whose inspired pragmatism banishes essimism. their passion energy and ability to see opportunities for social innovation and transformation at every turn are contagious. we need social entrepreneurs as never before, for we are asked to do nothing less than rethink the world´s economic models.
the private sector can no longer see itself as simply in the business of making musiness. and the phlanthorpic secotr cannot be expected to fill in the gaps. we need hybrid organizations that do all of these things...using the market for social transformation."
last night we heard presentations from leonardo boff, adolpho perez esquivel and frei sergio goergen. the auditorium was packed with 3,000 people ..80 percent were youth!
here is an experpt from terraviva interviewing boff. "religious voices in a parallel forum have been unanimous against´`the western hegemonies seeking to establish a new order by using violence against the weak.`in a world torn by politically instigated religion based divisions, boff can identify a common enemy\;"for me the great enemy is the western cultural paradigm which is very aggressive, very destructive, and which has now been globalized, invading the values and visions of the world. i see the seed of a new paradigm in spiritual traditions. justice , peace and compassion and solidarity are the very true names of god. who ever believes in these, believes in god. "
the audience broke out in wild applause and singing as the end of the evening....the hope and confidence here is inspiring. ...our hearts are on fire.