I’m posting this to ask DUers to bombard Chris Matthews today with e-mails about the neocons and PNAC: Maybe it’s a crazy plan, but I think the first step in getting more Americans to understand the lunacy of invading Iraq is to educate them on these PNAC maniacs – I bet less than 10% of Americans have ever heard of “neocons” and maybe only 2% have ever heard of PNAC.
My "plan" involves encouraging Tweety to talk about the neocons and PNAC this weekend, when he hosts the “Iraqi Election” coverage Sunday night (more people than normal may be watching the news -- the media is hyping the election like it's the Super Bowl or something).
Here’s the theory on targeting Tweety: Ever since Bush’s wacko Inauguration speech, Tweety has been sounding the alarm about Bush (he’s a little late to the party, but at least he seems to finally have woken up to the madness).
If you think this is worthwhile, here the link:
The e-mail link is right under the “Hardball” logo at the top:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697/Your e-mails will be most effective if you use a polite, “mainstream” tone, complimenting Tweety about his show (I know, gag…..) and asking him to talk about the neocons and PNAC. (Cursing Bush and the neocons out – or using terms like “warmonger” and “fascist” – will just get the e-mails dismissed).
This is my e-mail:
RE: Talk about ‘neoconservatives’
I’ve been watching your show a lot more lately, ever since you started talking more about what’s going wrong in Iraq.
I am frightened that Bush’s policies seem to be driven by a bunch of “neoconservatives”. The PNAC group (Project for the New American Century) is particularly scary. Please talk about the neoconservatives and PNAC on your shows. People listen to you -- maybe more Americans would understand what’s going on if you talked about the heavy influence the neoconservatives have on President Bush. I also wish you would have people on your show who strongly oppose the neoconservative agenda: For example, Brent Scowcroft and a lot of other Republicans argued back in 2003 that invading Iraq would be a terrible mistake (McCain and Hegel, too, I think). I really think it’s important that Americans better understand that it’s not just the “left wing” that opposes what we’ve done in Iraq (and that Bush may be planning to do in Iran and other Middle East countries ....... Bush's Inauguration speech was scary).
Keep telling the truth, Chris. If prominent media people like you start discussing the neoconservatives, maybe we can have a more intelligent debate in this country about our foreign policy.”
I got kind of wordy, like I usually do. Just 2-3 lines would probably do it.
Any comments?? What do you think??