One must oppose, as well, rightwing control of the media, and US agression and militarism. Yet holding ANY of these positions is deemed "left wing," and we know by now that there aren't more than a tiny handful of Democratic congresspersons who would dare speak out against any of the above malignant political conditions.
So, what is the rationale for believing that the Democratic Party can possibly serve as a vehicle for serious opposition to Bush?
I am new here, but people at this website seem to understand that "Republicanism" (ie, an American form of fascism) is a profoundly dangerous force. At the same time, there are no end of apologists here for spineless worms like Kerry, who ran a whole campaign in which he somehow neglected to mention the salient fact that his opponent Bush was a war criminal. He didn't even bring up the torture scandals or the concentration camps (Gitmo, etc). He didn't portray the nonexistent WMD as a historic and monumental crime. He didn't even mention Bush's ties with Enron. He didn't go after Bush's assaults on the Bill of Rights or Geneva. How were the American people supposed to be educated about the real dangers of Bush, if the Democratic challenger was too timid to tell them?
IOW, it seems to me that people here have a fairly good grasp on what's dangerous about Bush. But I simply do not understand this undying faith in the Democratic Party -- particularly the threads that are chastizing people who dare to criticize Dems who sold out on Condi and are about to sell out on Gonzales.
My main question is, if you are serious about opposing Bush, why do you imagine that a bourgeois institution like the Dem Party can serve as a vehicle for it? Institutionally, Democrats are scarcely more likely than Republicans to stand up and say, for example, "Due to untrammeled corporate power, America is becoming a plutocracy -- and this is not compatible with democracy." Or "The Iraq War is a crime against humanity, in the sense of Nuremberg." If you can't say stuff like that -- not even in a presidential campaign -- how can you seriously oppose Bushism?