The divided landscape he's talking about is a cultural divide, not a political one.
People who voted for Bush did so by voting for symbols -- Bush symbolizing the dream of an America that supposedly existed right after WWII, but in reality, never existed at all.
An America where authority was not just respected, but loved. Where everybody knew their place, meaning that white-skinned men with money took the top place. Where the police, courts, soldiers, and politicians were considered incapable of doing wrong. Where everyone worshiped at the Church Of Their Choice on Sunday, except for the Jews, who were given a special Dispensation. And there were no other religions; at least no other religions to speak of.
There was no crime; the only reason rape happened at all was because the womenfolk were getting a little too big for their newfangled britches; children obeyed their parents most of the time, and were easily brought back into line with some crowd-pleasing corporal punishment; teen-agers never had sex, unwed mothers didn't exist (maybe there were a few among the poor, "fast" girls, and some of them got "criminal abortions"); "homosexuality" was treated with psychotherapy, medication, and prison, not respect; Negroes knew that they had to work hard if they wanted to get ahead; we "really didn't need Unions anymore"; and the only problem we faced was the ever-present danger of Red Cells trying to destroy America by using college "Perfessers" to stir up the Negroes, the Kids, and other Perfessers.
I'm sure I'm leaving out other common ideas from 50 years ago, but even then, it was a warped view of the world. But the Cultural Right believes that such a time existed, and that we can return to it. This is why they overlooked such major Bush sins as his unpunished military AWOL infractions, his history of arrests for drunk driving and petty "prank" crime, his choice of a "gay" collegiate sport (cheerleading), and his sexual peccadilloes, including arranging one or more abortions for various girlfriends, his mocking unconcern for prisoners (especially fellow Christian Karla Faye Tucker), his history of business failures and bail-outs by people eager to curry favor with his father, and his wife's own bad habits, the worst of which was her complicity in the death of her high-school boyfriend, for which she was never called to account. All of these moral panics attached to John Kerry in several campaigns of lies, the most damaging one from the discredited Swift Boat Veterans. Before Kerry, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and George McGovern were similarly attacked. And any one of those Bushian sins would have led to public outrage being poured on those other candidates, as it eventually did with Clinton's dalliances.
This is why I personally can't get too worked up over George Bush per se; we have to fight the source of the problem, the religious and cultural fantasies direct the anger, hatred and fear of the Cultural Right. In any other era, people like Bush would be considered to be mediocrities, not saviors or devils as happens today. Modern Liberals and Democrats might just as well not campaign at all on issues, but start throwing mud from Day One.
O.K., I don't really mean that, but cultural dividers won't listen to reason. So much the worse for our country.
No, it's not that people like Joe Scarborough like Bush because he's some kind of straight-shootin', rootin'-tootin' cowpoke who loves Jeebus Cripes. It's because they're from the same tribe -- period.