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Canada: Politician's promises not set in stone (voters can't sue)

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rainbow4321 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 02:39 AM
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Canada: Politician's promises not set in stone (voters can't sue)

Toronto — It's official: Politicians can break campaign promises with impunity. An Ontario Superior Court judge has absolved Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty of breaking an elaborately signed contract promising not to raise or create new taxes, saying anyone who believes a campaign promise is naive about the democratic system.

If anyone who voted for a politician based on a particular promise later were to go to court alleging a breached contract, ”our system of government would be rendered dysfunctional. This would hinder, if not paralyze, the parliamentary system,” Mr. Justice Paul Rouleau said.

The judge was ruling on a request from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation to quash the Liberals' new health premium on the grounds that it broke an election promise

”From the record, it is apparent that upon taking office and assessing the situation, the government believed that it would be contrary to the public interest to keep the promise made during the election,” the judge said. ”This decision not to keep the promise does not mean that the promise, when made, was untrue, inaccurate or negligent.” Judge Rouleau said it is up to voters, not the courts, to punish governments who fib and fabricate.

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Maple Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 02:46 AM
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1. That's because
it's easy to criticize things and promise changes, until you get in power and find out how difficult it is to do in actual practice.
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