Dr. James Dobson has a HUGE army of rabid fundamentalist Christian followers. His "Focus on the Family" is a massive, organized, mature, deeply entrenched activism group. I am now 39 years old, and I remember as a kid hearing constantly about "Dr. Dobson" - he was a celebrity in the fundamentalist Christian community way back then (in the late 70's and early 80's).
He was famous back then for his book "Dare to Discipline", which endorsed beating the crap out of kids, in the name of the Lord. The Bible verse that was always quoted was Proverbs 23:13-14, which I quote verbatim: "Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell."
At Dobson's urging, millions of fundamentalist Christian parents took that passage literally, and felt they were doing "the Lord's will, as He commanded in His Word" when they beat their children.
In fairness to Dobson, even as a child, I realized that his REAL message of was that children needed to be disciplined, and this sometimes involved physical correction. But even with that concession there are two major reasons I believe Dobson should be abhorred and discredited.
First, Dobson's teachings were/are distorted in several ways that resulted in unnecessary abuse of children. Many parents used his teachings as a justification for their own inherent sadistic tendencies and used 'discipline' as an outlet for their anger problems and rage issues. I SAW this, FIRST HAND, as a child growing up with the children of fundamentalist Christians. Further, some parents felt OBLIGATED to engage in physical discipline, when it was not really necessary, so they would not be seen by God as being 'too soft' or 'too permissive' as parents.
Second, Dobson's teachings are part of an overall conceptual schema (George Lakoff would call it a 'frame') that is the basic structure of the conservative political orientation.
Dobson's paternalistic, patriarchal, strict father, disciplinarian model is the (largely unconsciousness) basis for many people's embrace of political conservatism. That is the most important reason I think this man needs to be vilified, ridiculed, and discredited.