"With grim poll numbers gathering over them like thunderclouds last week, Howard Dean's webhead supporters continued to blog optimistic. Those who acknowledged the ominous trends at all tended to dismiss them as conspiracy or sabotage. "Any polls that show Dean losing is a lie," posted one person at the official Dean blog. Another attacked pollster John Zogby, noting that Rush Limbaugh once called Zogby "my favorite pollster" and that he "works with a lot of Republicans." By the weekend, hope was very much alive. "
are trying to make this as interesting as possible," argued one Deanie. "Then the media will go, 'wow,' Dean has such a strong base of support." Added another: "This will be Dean's weekend ... he will shine, shine, shine."
But Dean didn't shine so much as burn out. And the morning after his stunning third-place Iowa finish, the mood online is considerably less sanguine than it was last week. It's the difference between airplane passengers calmly shrugging off a little turbulence, and the panicked screaming that comes when both engines have exploded. Even accounting for the likely infiltration of Dean blogs by covert morale-sapping saboteurs, it's clear that a great many Deaniacs, people who once spoke almost no ill of "Howard," are now angry, disillusioned, and losing hope. It's what you might call the Deaniacs' first brush with the cold reality of politics--and reality seems to be winning."