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Yurica issues 3rd revision of report implicating religious right, and adds

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NAO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 08:38 AM
Original message
Yurica issues 3rd revision of report implicating religious right, and adds
...a distributable, shortened version as a "Congressional Handbook" in pdf format.


The Bloodguilty Churches
Why Bush’s Agenda Is Immoral and an Abomination to God

By Katherine Yurica

Original Release...January 19, 2005
First Revision...Updated January 21, 2005
Second Revision...Updated January 25, 2005

Editor's Note: To those readers who wish to provide members of congress with a shortened version of this essay appropriate for helping legislators to know what the biblical position is on issues they will be voting on, you may send your Senators or Representatives a link to The Yurica Report's Congressional Handbook, This is a PDF file at 494 kb. The URL address is:

In the Beginning
Invade Iraq or What's a Preemptive Strike?
Lies About the Threat of War
What Does the Bible Say About Preemptive Strikes?
The War Fairs
What Does the Bible Say About Profiting from War?
Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo
Does Mr. Bush Have the Moral High Ground?
Bush's Agenda for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
What Does the Bible Say About How a Nation Must Treat the Poor and the Sick?
Mr. Bush's Immigration Plans
Deregulate Health and Safety and Environmental Laws
What Does the Bible Say About Rigging Devices?
Mr. Bush’s “Justice” Versus the Bible’s Justice
The Development of the Biblical Justice System
Be Careful Not to Commit Judicial Murders: The Texas Clemency Memos
Is Mr. Bush's Tort Reform Biblical?
The Bible's Criminal and Civil Code System
What Does the Bible Say About Abortions?
GOP Operatives as Slanderers and Hooligans, Scorner's and Ridiculers
What's Wrong With Today's Churches and 'Christians'?
Profile of the Man God Hates
End Notes

The Yurica Report /

The Bloodguilty Churches: Why Bush’s Agenda Is Immoral and an Abomination to God

The Yurica Report's Congressional Handbook
Biblical Analysis of Bush Administration Policies (pdf)

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indepat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 08:48 AM
Response to Original message
1. The hugest hypocrites on earth are those who profess to love and follow
God and be a Christian, but who support policies and actions antithethcal to every Christian doctrine. Were it not for fear that by judging others, I would be so judged, I would proffer a very special place has been reserved in hell for the lot of them.
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xchrom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 10:05 AM
Response to Original message
2. it's war with fundy churches and the politicians who pander
to them.
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Al-CIAda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 01:23 PM
Response to Original message
3. Info-
"The Rise of Dominionism"
recorded October, 2004, 44 minutes
Download audio and video documenting the Rise of Dominionism (no charge, no copyright)

Cornell University's Joan Bokaer explains Dominionism and Reconstructionism and their hijacking of American government.

TheocracyWatch is a project of the Center for Religion, Ethics and Social Policy (CRESP) at Cornell University. CRESP is a nonsectarian, action-based educational organization with its roots in religious dialogue, human rights advocacy, and ethical thought.

Inform Yourself -- Spread the Word

The rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party is one of the most important stories in modern American political history, yet it is so little understood. You can help educate yourself and others by speaking in public on this important issue.

We've made it easy for you. Joan Bokaer has put her entire presentation, including the script and PowerPoint slide and text show, on a CD for you to use; you need only supply the laptop computer and a projector, and you can be a public speaker. (PowerPoint Player is included.)

Educational materials provided by TheocracyWatch will give you an opportunity to understand the role the Religious Right is playing in shaping our world. The CDs, DVDs, and audiocassette provide a distillation of the vast amount of material covered in the TheocracyWatch website.

By Karl W. B. Schwarz
A Conservative Christian Republican
December 8, 2004

I have decided that our American lexicon needs a new word - Dominionistas, noun, plural, definition - groups whose religious beliefs obstruct critical thinking on matters of fairness, equity, Christ-like qualities, confusion between goodness and sin; cultists; persons of Neocon beliefs, fascists, persons of narrow mindedness.
The commentary today is yet another open letter to Christian Dominionistas who need to step away from the Kool-aid and have a long talk with God and Jesus Christ about what Christianity is, and more importantly - what Christianity is not. They might as well call themselves Zionist Christians, for some erroneously do and do not "get it" when myself or anyone else explains to them that Zionist Christians is in fact an oxymoron, or two words that have no business being used together. Sort of like "jumbo shrimp", or "military intelligence", or "Bush Compassionate Conservatism" being just three operative examples of what to look for when seeking an example of an oxymoron.
Most Christians do not "get it" when it is explained that there is a massive movement in Judaism, simply named Jews Against Zionism, fighting to rid their religion of Zionist. Many Christians just do not get it that the term Zionist can be pushed to such an extreme that it is a substitute word for fascist. It has happened in Judaism and it is happening in Christianity and neither are "religious based movements". They are based on evil, greed, power, domination; all things that are quite Un-Christ-like. They are "cults" in their sheerest definition<1> and are not God and Christ centered, they are people, power and greed centered. They call wrong right and right wrong. "This article provides more information that demonstrates that far from being the saviors of the Jewish People, the Zionists are the true self-hating Jews who have had nothing but contempt and outright hatred for the Jewish People and Judaism.<2> This article proves that anti-Semitism has been the oxygen and lifeblood of the Zionists throughout the ages to the present day.
"By contrast, we anti-Zionist Jews having been doing all we can to reduce hatred of Jews by proclaiming the true nature of the Jewish religion in contrast to the heresy and idolatry of Zionism.<3> We hope this will help Jews awaken from the brainwashing of the Zionists."
I know many Christians that need to start weaning themselves from the brainwashing of the Dominionistas and the Republican Neocon Fascists that have taken control of the RNC. Christianity is not about power, greed, entitlement, world conquest, Empire building, or looking the other way on the evil that is going on inside of our government ñ in our name - and wrapping that up in the flag and pretending that evil and wrong conduct is Christianity.

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mhr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 01:31 PM
Response to Original message
4. Real Video Highlighting Key Aspects Of Christian Reconstruction
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NAO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 11:16 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Thanks for the link to the Theocracy/Dominionist Video!
That was incredible.

I wish this issue (the Dominionist push for Theocracy in the US) was more widely discussed. I would like to see more exposure in the mainstream media (a Nightline or 60 Minutes piece would be great) and more discussion and awareness in political activism groups.

Until this growing menace is recognized and dealt with, the Dominionists will be able to advance their agenda right under our noses.

P.S. Do you know if this video is available on DVD or VHS?
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leanin_green Donating Member (823 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-29-05 02:28 PM
Response to Original message
5. I respect the work that Yurica is doing. . .
they have taken on the task that needs doing. Fighting these zealots with their own scriptures. This is what I have been pushing for from the beginning.

A very strange dream I had after the election went something like this:

I found myself outside the fence of the White House speaking in the "prophet voice." For those of you who aren't familiar with what the prophet voice is I'll try to explain it.

I've spent much of my lifetime in churches. My grandparents were devout Seventh-Day Adventists, I grew up part of my childhood in Utah, I was stationed in North Carolina in the Bible Belt, and I was once a member of the Fundamentalist Movement as a budding evangelist. Anyway, the prophet voice is unmistakable when heard. It's not shouting, or raising one's voice as is thought of. It is a voice that comes from the belly. A ringing voice that can be heard for a great distance. It has the ring of authority and can bring even the most unconscious person to a stop. It can cause the proud and haughty to shift their feet, and the wicked and evil to tremble within. Anyway, back to my dream.

As I found myself in front of the White House, I heard myself quoting scripture in this prophet voice in the direction of the Oval Office. Scripture flowed from my lips as if they were my own words. Words of condemnation, judgment and dire warning to GW. I kept this up night and day. I'm sure W couldn't sleep for all the ringing in his ears. In the dream I saw the effect this was having on W to the tune of myself being harassed by police and eventually being arrested. But the voice continued as I did. It was a nice dream.

Anyway, I'll continue to support Yurica any way I can.
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NAO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-05 01:44 AM
Response to Reply #5
7. How do you support Yurica?
leanin_green wrote, "Anyway, I'll continue to support Yurica any way I can."

Yeah, me too. Except that I'm not sure how to do that (support Yurica). The site does not have any place to contribute; Ms. Yurica does not solicit contributions; she does not sell 'memberships' or subscriptions to a printed version of her reports...

I have never come across someone who is doing SO MUCH WORK, and SUCH QUALITY, IMPORTANT work, that does not need funds and is not subtly and blatantly asking for contributions. I hope she is independently wealthy, or that God provides well for her by His own special means. I would not want someone who does so much good to be constrained by lack of funds.

Have I missed a link on the Yurica Report site to "contribute"? I'd hate to be so dense, but I just have not found one if it is there.
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leanin_green Donating Member (823 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-05 01:33 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. Since I can't contribute financially. . .
I mean to support her work by becoming as informed on these issues as she is. Therefore, I will speak to all those so-called Christians that God puts in my path. I am surrounded by Mormons where I live and when the opportunity to speak to them about this insidious movement among them avails itself, I do. I believe that all our experiences and paths in life affords us a unique insight into the areas that has been our individual experience. In my case, since I have spent so much time among fundamentalists and the churches, I have unique experience to speak to them in their language. Now, does this mean I want to convert them to my way of thinking? No. But I would like to give them something in the way of scriptural knowledge to see what has become of their cherished beliefs. Most people who attend church are seeking something. A sense of belonging and like-minded individuals. Their belief in Jesus is genuine and their need for his message is a soul hunger that usually can't be filled in what passes for the church today.
Their sincerity can't be challenged anymore than those of the Muslim, Jew, Buddhist or any other kind of search for meaning. What they have to be made to understand is that the search is what is important, not a dogma, creed or secular belief system. This is where Yurica provides an important source for information, argument and now, by virtue of her latest piece, scriptural references that can be used to challenge the twisted message of Dominionism.

I am a Democrat that honors what the majority of Americans choose to believe. That IS Christianity. We all know it. Now the fight has to be waged within the churches themselves. So if you want to contribute to Yurica, learn as much as you can, discover if what she sees happening is relevant to your situation and begin the fight. This site may be of help. I don't subscribe to what all is said, but, there is some good information there. It comes from the perspective of someone who is within the churches.
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NAO Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-30-05 03:10 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Even if you wanted to, I don't see anywhere on her site to contribute
Usually even the most public spirited, non-profit sites solicit contributions (e.g. Bev/BBV, Ruppert/From the Wilderness, DU, etc)

It is very unusual for a site like The Yurica Report to operate and not solicit contributions or charge fees.
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