Josh has done an amazing job of calling out both Republicans and even some faint hearted Democrats regarding their stance on privatizing Social Security. He sees stopping Social Security privatization as the Democrats' first priority in this Congress. I agree. most all of you know, there's a heated race going on for the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee, something that hasn't happened since before the Clinton era. The race will be decided in about two weeks; but so far I've only done
Partly that's due to time constraints and the inherently opaque nature of the selection process. But mainly it is because I have been so focused on the Social Security issue. And getting into a tussle among Democrats is not easy to square with doing what you can to unify them. As I guess must be pretty clear by now, I think preserving Social Security is the transcendent issue today for the Democratic party -- indeed, for the country as a whole.
A few weeks ago I actually wrote some version of what you'll find below, but then trashed it because I didn't want anything getting in the way or anyone's negative reaction distracting from what I was trying to do on the Social Security issue.
So, with that over-long introduction, let me just address the issue here briefly and in one shot.
If I were one of the four-hundred-odd people who have a vote in this race, I'd be voting for Simon Rosenberg. And I'd feel very strongly about the vote and cast it without reservation.Why?