free people:
Patriot Act
Office of Special Plans
Checking over your shoulder to see what books you rent, what you buy, and your tax return.
No-fly List
Consentual crime laws
free minds:
Revisionist history
Writing Jefferson & Rousseau & The Enlightenment out of our history
Shutting down free speech on campuses with thug groups
Paying pundits to spew propaganda
Fake news organization fronts to generate propaganda
Lying with no shame
Numbing gullible people with the logical fallacy droning of hate radio
free markets:
prohibiting internet gambling
keeping hemp illegal
prohibiting consumers from purchasing cheap drugs from canada
Reducing the purchasing power of medicaid/medicare recipients.
Corporate Subsidy & Bailout
Secret government energy policy
Crony Capitalism
The Military as a Corporate Arm
Free expression:
free speech zones
anti-flag burning amendment
anti-gay, anti-libertine everything
calling you a "traitor" if you speak out against the war machine
unlimited individual opportunity:
unless you're a gay person dying of cancer who wants to grow medicinal marijuana and set up a business that helps old people buy cheap drugs from canada, or you want to open a business in a small town that has a wal-mart, or you want to get a job at a place that won't hire blacks, women or disabled people, or you're dead because health insurance has gotten outrageously high, or you die during child birth, because a baby an empty skull cavity and three arms is more important than you, or you happen to be a dead or poisoned Iraqi child, or a dead soldier for a dumb war, or you want to bid on a contract when you don't have Dick Cheney on your country club list.
If they're so for "liberty," then why do the LIBERTARIANS hate them?'ll tell you what they want -- they want mob rule that enforces out-moded, out-dated oppressive conservative social institutions, and a church and affluent upperclass that operates like the good kings and corrupt churches of old.
How the fuck can these people say they're for "liberty," if they want to amend the constitution to CONTRACT liberty, they want to own my uterus, and they're picking on SPONGE BOB?
These people are fascists, and those who formerly didn't trust the government, have become right-wing authoritarian statist lapdogs.
*edited to add extra link