Articles Revealing the Rise of Dominionism in America the articles below are linked on The Yurica Report's "Dominionism Directory", which can be found at the above link.
NEW: Roman Catholic Bishops
Cut Auditing of Their Child
Protection Measures. Happy
Holidays Little Ones!
NEW: Christian Conservatives
Press Issues in Statehouses
A New York Times article
By Neela Banerjee
America the theocracy
By John Sugg
A band of influential preachers is
praying for the power to rule America.
For those who disagree, they have
a solution -- stoning.
Jimmy Carter Explains
how the Christian right isn't Christian
at all.
The Covert Kingdom:
Thy Will Be Done, On Earth as It Is in Texas
by Joe Bageant
Bageant, an editor and writer, who like Katherine Yurica,
writes from a Pentecostal and Fundamentalist background,
shows why forty percent of the electorate will be supporting
George W. Bush three to one and why their religious beliefs
are hurtling the USA backward to the new Middle Ages
where Dominionism and the Bible reign.
Hung Over in the End Times
If liberal society is to survive the rise
of the Godwacks, we need to start by
calling them what they are
By Joe Bageant “Since George Bush’s
reelection, the Christian nut-jobs have
mounted an assault on my block.” So
begins Bageant’s latest article on the
immoral religious right’s political takeover
of the American government. Hard hitting,
humorous, and filled with the saltiest language
we’ve published on this web site. But don’t
let that stop you! Hung Over in the End Times
is a soul searing essay. Joe Bageant calls
them as he sees them.
George Bush and the Rise of Christian Fascism
by Rev. Rich Lang
Since December 2000 the Rev. Rich Lang writes, "we have
witnessed and have been unable to prevent the emergence
of an Imperial Presidency that has the unrestricted power
to declare war against any country he chooses."
What we need is a movement of spiritual justice.
Heartland Morality, American Politics
by Gregory Stephens.
Can America survive? Millions of honest, hard-working,
moral people in mid-America are hearing, reading, and
believing that their messiah can only return to earth
under certain conditions--which they are told must
be aided by their political participation.
A Turn to the (Religious) Right
By Dr. Robert Abele
If John Kerry has anything going for him that
separates him from George W. Bush, it is the
fact that he is not involved in the so-called
"religious right" of America. This is the name
given by the media to a well-organized band
of fanatic biblical fundamentalists who are
hell-bent on turning our democracy over to
(their concept of) God.
'We Could Control This Country':
33 Extreme Reasons to Give Bush
the Boot by Maureen Farrell
Wobbly Wall Between Church and State
By Maureen Farrell
In a brilliant article, Maureen Farrell brings all of the Yurica
Report articles together plus a few others not reported here.
This is a must read.
Marriage On The Rocks By Chuck Muth.
The folks supporting the Federal Marriage Amendment want
people to think it's just a measure to protect marriage. But if
that's the case, why not a constitutional amendment banning
divorce and adultery, as well? Any reasonable person would
have to admit those two have been historically far more harmful
to the institution of marriage than gay unions ever could be, right?
Hurricane Sent By God to Smite Florida?
Secret Religious Right Political Meeting In
South Interrupted by Message From God.
A biblical prophecy says the hard line Christian
"Right" are biblically wrong! A call for repentance!
Florida's hurricanes were no accident!
Republican Operative's Secret
Talk to Pastors By George Beres
In a secret meeting, David Barton, Deputy Chairman
of the Texas Republican Party met with pastors.
Christians In Iraq
"It is obvious to observers on the
ground that Washington would prefer
if the whole messy problem of Iraqi
Christians would just go away..."
Churches Begin Election Role for Bush
By David D. Kirkpatrick
The Bush campaign is seeking to rally conservative
churches and their members to help turn out sympathetic
voters this fall, and West County Assembly of God, a
600-member evangelical congregation in a Republican
district of a pivotal swing state, is on the
ront lines of the effort.
House Passes HR 3313, the
“Marriage Protection Act”
With Two More Dominionist
Bills to Go By Katherine Yurica
By a vote of 233 to 194, the House of
Representatives took the first step in U.S.
history, to change the system of checks
and balances built into the U.S. Constitution.
And read the New York Times editorial that
calls the passage of this bill by even one
house of congress an "outrage."
Pointing out the different planks
in party platforms
By Phyllis Schlafly
Discusses HR 3313. President Bush is quoted by
Schlafly: "We will not stand for judges who undermine
democracy by legislating from the bench and try to
remake America by court order." The platform followed
up by asserting: "The Republican House of Representatives
has responded to this challenge by passing H.R. 3313, a
bill to withdraw jurisdiction from the federal courts over the
Defense of Marriage Act. We urge Congress to use its
Article III power to enact this into law, so that activist federal
judges cannot force 49 other states to approve and recognize
Massachusetts' attempt to redefine marriage."
On Being a Liberal:
The Bible says Christians must strive to be liberal,
so when Bush-Supporters call the Kerry/Edwards'
ticket 'liberal,' aren't they praising and blessing them?
A surprise analysis By Dennis Crews
The U.S. Senate Rejects Bid to
Ban Same-Sex Marriage
Two short articles show the defeat of the
Constitutional issue against Same-Sex
Marriages: Bill Frist, Senate Majority Leader
vowed, "This is the start. And it's not going
to be over...We'll be back in the future."
Senator Edward M. Kennedy said,
"Trying to write discrimination into
the Constitution is bad enough..."
Politicking on Marriage
a New York Times must read editorial.
Hug an Evangelical
by Nicholas D. Kristof
Onward G.O.P. Soldiers
A New York Times must read editorial.
Jesus and Jihad
by Nicholas D. Kristof
“If the latest in
the ‘Left Behind’
series of evangelical thrillers is to be believed,
Jesus will return to Earth, gather non-Christians
to his left and toss them into everlasting fire:”
Bush White House checked with rapture
Christians before latest move. The Jesus
Landing Pad by Rick Perlstein. Members of the
United Pentecostal Church have direct access to the
Bush White House. Read this Village Voice
reakthrough article. Click on the box.
Al Gore gave a speech that
will resound in the halls of
American courage for as
long as men will be here to
read it. "An American policy of
dominance is as repugnant to the rest of
the world as the ugly dominance of the
helpless, naked Iraqi prisoners has been
to the American people. Dominance is
as dominance does."
RICO: It's time to prosecute the Catholic
church under the Racketeer Influenced
Corrupt Organization (RICO) law.
A sharp and readable article by Marci
Hamilton, who holds the Paul R. Verkuil
Chair in Public Law at Benjamin
N. Cardozo School of Law. Hamilton
explains why the law meant for criminal
organizations, is applicable to an institution
founded for benign purposes.
What is and What Should Never Be
by Dennis Crews, a review of The Despoiling
of America by Katherine Yurica from a man
who sat on the board of a Christian ministry
and watched it all happen.
Also by Dennis Crews, Strange Bedfellows.
Read his prescient article written in 1984
during the Reagan administration.
Evangelical Leaders Affirm the
Need for Government to Aid the
Needy by Larry B. Stammer
Bush Asked the Vatican to
Pressure U.S. Bishops to
Help Get Bush Re-Elected
by David Kirkpatrick of the
New York Times
Rev. Moon Crowned
King in a Senate Office
Building. From
Read a review of "Despoiling" from
a different perspective
by J. A. Bartlett who brings a convincing
sophistication to the subject including
comments from other readers.
House Republicans Drop
Provision to Give Religious Leaders the Right to
Engage in Political Partisanship Without Losing
Tax Exempt Status Dominionism droops a little.
How Dominionist Charles Colson
Brought Catholics and Evangelicals
Together to Become America's Most
Potent Political Power by Laurie Goodstein.
Father Neuhaus said the alliance is "an extraordinary
realignment that if it continues is going to create a
very different kind of configuration of Christianity in America.
Dominionists Seek to Split
Protestant Churches
Presbyterians, United Methodists and
Episcopalians have beome insurrection
targets of the Institute on Religion and
Democracy funded by the Scaife family,
the Ahmanson's, and the Bradley and
Olin Foundations in an effort to separate
the liberal churches from the conservative
churches in the same denomination.
A Matter of Faith
by David Brooks
Bill Clinton knew what John
Kerry doesn't: in order to win
election, a candidate must
be religious.
A Vicious Attack:
The Jesus Thing by Ann Coulter
The only Democrats who go to church
regularly are the ones who plan to run
for president someday and are preparing
in advance to fake a belief in God.
If you missed Frontline's special on
PBS on April 29, 2004, it can be seen
on-line. See George Bush and
"The Jesus Factor" Click on the gray box below:
A Catholic Nun
Discusses John Kerry's faith
and the Bishops' direction.
Bishop Denies
Communion to Catholics
Who Vote for Kerry
Step by step, day by day the
militant churches of America,
both Catholic and Evangelical
unleash their power.
Fundamentalist General Boykin
was assigned the job of making
Abu Ghraib like Guantanamo.
by Sidney Blumenthal
Pentecostal Chaplain
Takes the Fifth.
Lt. Col. Steven L. Jordan was
in charge of interrogation at
Abu Ghraib acording to an L.A. Times
article. He was also a Pentecostal
Chaplain according to an Assemblies
of God article.
A Review of the PBS TV
Show: "The Jesus Factor"
aired on PBS (Bush
and his God) by Alessandra Stanley
Walk the Walk
Who is allowed to quote from the
scriptures? Democrats or
The Christian Taliban
by Stephen Pizzo, Alter Net
College for the Home-Schooled
Is Shaping Leaders for the Right
Of the nearly 100 interns working in the
White House, seven are from the roughly
240 students enrolled in the new Patrick
Henry College in Virginia.
Christian Fundamentalists
Are Driving U.S. Middle East Policy
by George Monbiot
Rabbis Criticise Evangelical
Support for Israel
The rabbis fear the Christians' real
intent is to convert Jews.
Putting Bias Into the
The N.Y. Times implores President
Bush to refrain from injecting mean-
spiritedness and exclusion into the
Reader's Choice: Dr. Laura
gets an answer from a U.S. Citizen
When Dr. Laura told her radio
audience that she was duty bound to
follow the Holy Scriptures' prohibitions
against homosexuals, she was
not expecting to receive an
hilarious letter from a perplexed
educator. Funny but raises serious
And See Also these Documents:
Paul Weyrich's
"Teaching Manual" on how to
defeat the Democrats by
intimidation and how to
destroy the American
Culture. It's a moral battle
between good and evil! But
guess who's evil!
You Should Know what Tom
Delay plans for America and you can
read the Texas Republican Party's
incredible hatefilled document
here at the 2002 Platform.
Pat Robertson warned against
reckless spending: "Congress is buying
votes with your money. It's time to clean
out congress." Reported by Katherine Yurica