I don't know if this has been addressed. Here in Connecticut the story about the awarding of the contract for 23 new Presidential Helicopters to a partially foreign consortium is running about neck-and-neck with the eleventh-hour stays-of-execution for Michael Ross. Anyway, CT is in the midst of a serious GOP slapdown for Rob Simmons, a GOP congressman who dared stand up to George Bush. We've had funding slashed or eliminated on virtually every major project that was in the pipeline. Simmons was forced to resign his powerful position on the House Armed Services Committee and accept a post on the Base Closings Committee in order to salvage any effort to save the Groton Sub Base. Literally tens of thousands of jobs are at stake in a very tiny state.
It does not surprise me. BushCo plays hardball. BUT...BUT, lets turn the tables on them on this one. Never mind Sikorsky....why is ANYONE getting this contract? We're being slaughtered by deficits, no money for armor, no money for AIDS, no money for NCLB, but The King keep annointing himself with gifts WE'RE BEING FORCED TO PAY FOR. Has anyone stopped to ask why the bloody fuck this president or any other has any need for a fleet of luxury helicopters? Twenty-three of them! But we can't afford after school programs, cheap drugs, social security...what the hell?
Bush could prove he gave a shit by simply cancelling the whole order and "suffering" through with his current fleet of super-luxury flying mansions. So Barbara...what will BushCo take from YOUR constituents?