David Jennings, one of two sane broadcasters on RW tool outlet WLS/Chicago, is discussing the elections in Iraq, and asked whether the election would have an effect on the violence
I didn't even get to that, but ranted on about how our entire presence there is totally misrepresented, based, when one boils off all the effluvia, to the mushroom cloud...the scare tactic they used as the apothosids of WMDs. I said that nobody would have swallowed the bad bad Saddam/spread Democracy BS as reason to kill 1400 americans, and that it's the fault of Judith Miller, the NYT, the WashPost (who, I reminded him, apologized for their miserably, CRIMINALLY negligent runup coverage)
I've got some more stuff, but I'm being pestered by my guest, so I'll be back with some comments I made about Condi and Colin, as well as the media and the elections of 00 and 04...nothing you haven't heard here, but with which the liberal host even disagreed
listen in at
http://www.wlsam.com/listenlive.aspcall in if you want