powerful Republican lawmakers are urging Gov. Jeb Bush to restore civil rights to felons who have completed their sentences -- and have vowed to support a voter referendum to end Florida's 137-year-old ban altogether if the governor refuses.
Sen. Stephen Wise, a Jacksonville Republican and chairman of the criminal justice committee, said the Legislature could put an amendment on the ballot that would permanently eliminate the ban from the Florida Constitution if a majority of voters approves
Bush did not directly address the proposals by Wise and Villalobos, but an e-mail from his spokesman Jacob DiPietre said the governor ``believes the current process is fair.``
require felons convicted of serious crimes to actively participate in the clemency process in order to have their rights restored
Bush has historically rejected the idea of restoring rights to all felons automatically, citing public safety issues, among others.
But lawmakers and civil rights advocates say denying rights to felons makes staying out of trouble that much harder, with felons struggling to find jobs and housing.