Answers:1. __K__ "We cannot be deterred by letting America be held hostage by energy from the Middle East. If I am President, we will embark on a historic effort to create alternative fuels and the vehicles of the future – to make this country energy independent of Mideast oil within ten years."
Source: __D__ "I think in some ways, unfortunately, the terrorists have already won."
Source: __D__ "I will expand our armed forces' capacity to meet the toughest challenges -- like defeating terrorism, countering weapons of mass destruction, and securing peace -- with robust special forces, improved military intelligence, and forces that are as ready and able to strengthen the peace as they are to succeed in combat."
Source: __D__ "During the past dozen years, I have supported U.S. military action to roll back Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, to halt ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, to stop Milosevic's campaign of terror in Kosovo, to oust the Taliban and al Qaeda from control in Afghanistan. As President, I will never hesitate to deploy our armed forces to defend our country and its allies, and to protect our national interests. And, as President, I will renew America's commitment to the men and women who proudly serve our nation."
Source: __K__ "I think there has been an exaggeration," ___ said when asked whether President Bush has overstated the threat of terrorism. "They are misleading all Americans in a profound way." ___ said he would engage other nations in a more cooperative fashion to quell terrorism. "This administration's arrogant and ideological policy is taking America down a more dangerous path. . . . I will make America safer than they are."
Source: __D__ "We need a global fund to combat weapons of mass destruction -- not just in the former Soviet Union but around the world -- that is much larger than current expenditures. Our administration will ask Congress to triple U.S. contributions over 10 years, to $30 billion. . . . We urgently need to strengthen these programs in order to defend America."
Source: __D__ "The capture of Saddam Hussein is good news for the Iraqi people and the world. Saddam was a brutal dictator who should be brought swiftly to justice for his crimes. His capture is a testament to the skill and courage of U.S. forces and intelligence personnel. They have risked their lives. Some of their comrades have given their lives. All Americans should be grateful. I thank these outstanding men and women for their service and sacrifice."
Source: __K__ "You've about 500 troops here, 500 troops there and it's American troops that are 90 percent of the combat casualties and it's American taxpayers that are paying 90 percent of the cost of the war," he said. "It's the wrong war, in the wrong place at the wrong time."
Source: __K__ "I do not fault George Bush for doing too much in the War on Terror; I believe he’s done too little. Where he’s acted, his doctrine of unilateral preemption has driven away our allies and cost us the support of other nations. Iraq is in disarray, with American troops still bogged down in a deadly guerrilla war with no exit in sight. In Afghanistan, the area outside Kabul is sliding back into the hands of a resurgent Taliban and emboldened warlords."
Source: __K__ "I think there has been an exaggeration," ___ said when asked whether President Bush has overstated the threat of terrorism. "They are misleading all Americans in a profound way." ___ said he would engage other nations in a more cooperative fashion to quell terrorism. "This administration's arrogant and ideological policy is taking America down a more dangerous path. . . . I will make America safer than they are."
Source: Credit:11. __K__ "George Bush has no comprehensive strategy for victory in the War on Terror – only an ad hoc strategy to keep our enemies at bay. If I am Commander-in-Chief, I would wage that war by putting in place a strategy to win it. We cannot win the War on Terror through military power alone. If I am President, I will be prepared to use military force to protect our security, our people, and our vital interests. But the fight requires us to use every tool at our disposal. Not only a strong military – but renewed alliances, vigorous law enforcement, reliable intelligence, and unremitting effort to shut down the flow of terrorist funds."