following are excerpts from a paper by Rev. Dorothy Mackey, former US Air Force Captain and Commander who herself suffered rape and sexual assault while a serving officer, at the hands of her colonel and lieutenant colonel. Neither was ever prosecuted. The US Justice Department attorney on appeal stated that they “could not bring this case to trial for national security reasons; to do so would be contrary to good order, morale and discipline in the military.”
To Whom It May Concern:
I do not glibly write this letter knowing the firestorm it may cause. I write this letter for all people who have been abused globally by the US:
I am a former US military Commander of seven years and as a captain, I counseled military men and women and family members who suffered from sexual, emotional, psychological, physical and mental abuses. In numerous units, commands and increased positions of responsibilities, I was expected to work closely with professional civilian and some competent military professionals in determining the long-term care treatment and counseling avenues of my personnel. My recommendations as a commander dealing with traumatized and troubled personnel were always recognized, honored and implemented. I have observed, and continued to recognize then and now, the same patterns and symptoms of survivors and have drawn from my military training about the ongoing abuses without accountability continuing in our uniformed services. Currently, as Executive Director of STAAAMP, Inc., I have spoken with well over 4,300 US military personnel, federal civil servants and civilians and thousands of foreign citizens abused by US military personnel.
Let me begin by sharing some basic historical facts concerning US military abuses. They are wide spread and involve all populations to include civilians (US and foreign), civilian federal employees, military, reservist, spouses and children.
- With over 4,300 clients in the US and thousands overseas….abuse victims span 5 decades going back to WWII. All these clients have spoken with me in which they have sought Congressional, military and legal assistance to bring to justice their assailants. No help has come from US leadership. Of all 4,300 cases, only 3 have been prosecuted. Even with overwhelming evidence these assailants were given minor punishments for serious crimes; such as 2 months in jail for child rape, 2 yrs 8 months for rape of a military woman, adultery and fraternization rather then charged as a serial rapists of 4 military women.
- In 1991-1992 – The Navy’s Tailhook Scandal in Las Vegas in which the Navy elite aviators including the Navy’s senior most Admirals and DOD officials were involved in the sexual assault of 83 women, most were civilians. Not one of these sexual assaults resulted in criminal charges but instead the militaries equivalent of a traffic ticket known as a Captain’s Mast which under US Code 552a is invisible to FBI and local law enforcement background checks. This scandal produced a “zero tolerance policy” which appeared to put in place a zero tolerance of sexual misconduct by all military personnel towards others within the US military.
However, since this time;
I will gladly provide you with any information to understand and experience the catastrophic and systemic failures of these government and military systems in the hopes of re-guiding them into honorable pursuits. If you have any questions for me or would like me to do a presentation please feel free to contact me at (937) 879-9304 or 2568.
Reverend Dorothy Mackey, Exec. Director, STAAAMP, Inc.
Consultant, Lecturer and Author
Former US Air Force Captain and Commander
Multiple US Military Rape and Abuse Survivor
lots of info in the snipped portions
the word "honor" can never be used in conjunction with our military.
our military rapes, tortures, steals and destroys.
the bushgang is so proud of them.