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Got Religion? What is with all the pandering?

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StClone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 04:34 PM
Original message
Got Religion? What is with all the pandering?
Hearing Hillary (God bless her) reach out to find a common ground with Pro-lifers and their Christian inclinations is part of a pattern.

Religion is now the only thing left in the the U.S. to soothe the masses. The Republican/NeoCon thrust has impaled Education, looking to skewer the employer/Health Care coupling, spear Social programs, kill Social Security and offer up the remaining middle class monies on staff to the wealthy.

So what is left? Religion! Hallelujah! The kick-off may well have come with Gibson's blood fest "Passion" through a continuum that reaches new levels in TIME magazine's cover story (2/7) of the top 25 most influential Evangelists in the country.

Religion appears more commonly in almost all media now from cable news, Reader's Digest to local newspapers. This appears as a deliberate push to soothe the masses discontent and distract them under the guise of "giving the public what they want."

More have finding religion right after their Patriotism well went dry. After religion crashes, what next?

C o v e r S t o r y

Evangelicals in America

American Evangelicalism seems to defy unity, let alone hierarchy. Yet its members share basic commitments. TIME's list focuses on those whose influence is on the rise or who have carved out a singular role

Read the Story
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lancdem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 04:39 PM
Response to Original message
1. Hillary has always been religious
She's invoked her faith many, many times. It's not new for her, at least.
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StClone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 04:46 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. So is Kerry
Kerry never sought to push his Religion until very well into the election show. Hillary's public appeal to Pro-lifers is a subtle, albeit new, move as she feels her way to 2008. She is doing it because of the "apparent" new religiosity in America.
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DARE to HOPE Donating Member (552 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 05:07 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Hey, I met a girl today...
Actually in her early forties, married to a Moody trained pastor, both African American. And they really think Bush is a Christian!! Her big issues ARE abortion and gay marriage (go figure)--I had said pretty early that I was in the anti-war movement, and that we thought Bush was probably the anti-Christ.

Anyway, my prayer, my thought in the post election period was "Oh, Lord, WHAT ELSE can I do??!!" And I thought, I have to somehow reach out to SOMEONE on the Christian right, someone from, like, Moody Bible School (in Chicago.) Then this person walks right into my life, and we truly like each other from the start!

So, patience. One thing we both agreed on--the world is spinning into a real mess. So, we'll see. One of our young college graduates out of our Lutheran parish, a real supply sider when he was here listening to Rush (called me a #@# LIBERAL!!) went over to Romania as a peace corps volunteer. He has done a complete 180, seeing the danger of Bush.

Meanwhile my heart breaks--how can I tell my new friend just what the Repubs did in Ohio? Think I'll work on the Prince of Peace angle first.

Hillary's and John Kerry's faith need to be better known, hard as that is. I think Jim Wallis helps a lot.
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xchrom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 05:29 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. those people believe in death.
they carry death with them -- leave them alone.
i'm from central illinois and the mere mention of moody's gives me the creeps -- all fire and brimstone and no love.
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