This town needs an enema - Jack Nickleson (Joker) - Batman
So does the United States Government in it's policial backsides in all branches. The Republican party has chosen to stand in a fashion where it has stood on the side for levels of corruption and control of politics that has threatened this great union before. This group has swerved slowly but surely down a slippery slope over many years, while they represent what sounds to be a good ideal to those who are concerned for their families they have a truly pitiful record for living up to their words. The media has catered for many years to the Republicans, while they rained upon Clinton accusation after accusation while they cast a blind eye upon this sophomoric Bush onslaught. Not all blame lays with the Republican party, we who are Democrats, Independants and free thinkers who have not organized in a truly productive fashion are just as guilty, primarily of complacency.
Clinton managed to dodge their ire for what may some day be refered to historically as 'gate-gate' due to the number of investigations that were labeled whatever-gate. While there is something to be said for Media complicity or complacency is a personal opinion, the fact is that while Clinton lived under a microscope while Bush has lived under a white tarp in comparison for these past 4 years and change. Yet we cannot look away from the fact that there are few Liberal leaning shows, few that can be considered neutral anymore and far too many right wing semi-imitators of Janus who speak both out of their mouth and their a-hem, blow-hole. The media has gone so far as to say that there is no audience in liberal radio. One has to wonder over that when one considers the sheer number of people who voted to elect John Kerry in this election how plausible such a theory truly is.
Our own representatives in congress are almost as guilty, with many 'democrats' who imitate the republicans on so many issues as to let us view what a blob of spineless gray ooze really looks like. We need to start organizing as a party of voters, stand up to those who will not vote the way they should but vote the way the money turns them, target them and replace them with a cleaner politician that does as the people want and not those that bow to the will of an ever expanding Corptocracy. We the people must either unite or watch our country fall to those who would insulate us from our own freedoms.