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"I've turned off the news, I boycott ____ ____ & _____ network."

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion: Presidential (Through Nov 2009) Donate to DU
Bluebear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 05:18 PM
Original message
"I've turned off the news, I boycott ____ ____ & _____ network."
I went through the "boycott CNN" phase too...nothing seems to do any good. I suggest that 'turning off the news' is better for our collective stomaches but after watching the propaganda on the "peeance, freeance" coverage of the "vote" yesterday I am feeling more and more that state-run media is a reality not to be ignored.

We already now of several occurances of Pundit Payola by the White House. We need to find how deep this goes and not bury our heads in the sand. Escape the coverage if you must, but ignore it at your own peril. A poll out today revealed that half of young people think the government should approve stories before they are broadcast. I'm a-scared.
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CrispyQ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 05:32 PM
Response to Original message
1. That poll was frightening.
We are creating perfect little automatons - a whole generation of sheeple who do not analyze or question anything. Just what Bushco wants.

Then there is my own mother who tells me if I would just watch Faux news for a few days I would see that they really are the only truthful & balanced news out there. ~~GASP!! Someone slipped her the kool-aid. I suspect it was years of listening to Rush. Now O'Reilly is her new master.

I fear for my country. Is it too late?
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hangemhigh Donating Member (587 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 05:34 PM
Response to Original message
2. Dear Bluebear,
I couldn't agree more. While MSM is disgusting and infuriating, it's important to understand what they're spinning and to apply some critical thinking to understand why. For that reason, I watched the "joyous" elections this weekend then hit the internets to find out what was really happening-Yes, it IS state run media, have no doubt. If you're scared, join the crowd. We all are.

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Bluebear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 05:40 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Cheers.
You have to know what's out there before you can counter it. That is, if you meet any open-minded folk anymore outside the internets!
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Kahuna Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-01-05 06:00 AM
Response to Reply #2
7. The point is you don't have to watch them anymore to know how..
they will cover a story. You don't have to watch to know they will hide all things embarrassing for bushco and project him as a great, wise and brave leader. The MSM is very predictable.
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joanski01 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 05:46 PM
Response to Original message
4. I have a cousin who is a Judge
in Northern Virginia, and he calls Fox News "State television". They have been dumbing down America for 20-30 years.
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Rose Siding Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 06:09 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. joanski, they're doing it by design with or without the media...
Raw Story has acquired a copy of Saving Social Security: A Guide to Social Security Reform, printed by the House and Senate Republican Conferences as a guide for Senators and Representatives to market private accounts for the Social Security system.

The document is filled with suggestions for communicating constituents such as, "Talk in simple language: Your audience doesn't understand financial jargon," and "Offer an alternate reality."
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-31-05 07:38 PM
Response to Original message
6. Hey, Bluebear, I've been thinking about this for some time.
Edited on Mon Jan-31-05 07:40 PM by sfexpat2000
and one night got so worked up, wrote this.

It's too abstract, needs to be shorter and sexier. How bout some of you guys help me get it right. Then, I'll distribute it. Whaddaya think? Beth

Media Consumer's Declaration of Independence

I will not agree to have my perception, consent or
indifference shaped by a media beholden to corporate
and political interests. Their terms of debate may be
paid for in coin of the realm but they can not dictate
my operative metaphors, concerns or opinions.

I will assemble my own front page and it will be clean
of rumor, innuendo or cya, the free pass, the weak
kneed softening or the billious suger glazing.

In my search for real news, I will not accept "story"
in place of "fact". Particularly when paid for by
corporate conglomerates who need my complicity to
enslave the electorate either through their wallets or
through their complacency.

I have a right to see, hear and read alternative
viewpoints and also the duty to reject the
marginalization, silencing or exclusion of the same.
The Constitution holds no requirement for me to be
treasonous to my own common sense or to so betray my fellow

I will not contribute in any way to the sustenance of
any newspaper, broadcast network, cable station or
radio program that seeks to inpinge upon, lobby or
shape the political opinion of the American public.
If "journalism" is no longer an operatice term, then
neither is "audience" "consumer", "fan" or

I will personally seek to hold accountable ANY elected
official or their representative that uses the mass
media to pedal political positions. Say that three
times, I really mean it.

I will not encourage anyone to believe, trust. let
alone attend to a media that has lost all credibility
with the public in their effort to serve the collusion
of the federal government and the private sector.
Instead, I will be the media and I will forge any
network needed to ensure that no one need depend upon
a corrupted institution to provide the news of the

And although I miss my radio programs, my newspaper
and my favorite anchor, I miss the First Amendment
more. I will not be an instrument of denying it to
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SoCalifer Donating Member (652 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-01-05 06:31 AM
Response to Original message
8. Good Post Bluebear
Bluebear, I am with you. I have been getting most of my news from these sources:

- L.A. Weekly:
- Pacifica:
- Democracy Now:

Also, you can offten find honest and good articles in your counter culture magazines.
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