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Labor Unions Examine Political Operations

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Freddie Stubbs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 11:57 AM
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Labor Unions Examine Political Operations


Organized labor is taking a hard look at its political influence and voter turnout operations after the two union-backed candidates that were to dominate the Iowa caucuses sank instead.

Unions were to be the powerhouse in Iowa, with white-collars for Howard Dean and blue-collars for Dick Gephardt. But in a stunning upset, they emerged battered in third- and fourth-place behind Sens. John Kerry and John Edwards.

Leaders of industrial unions that formed a coalition supporting Gephardt, called Americans for Economic Justice, were to confer Wednesday to assess what happened in Iowa and map out a political future.

But already, union leaders say the lesson from Iowa is that organized labor remains split over which Democrat is best suited to challenge President Bush in November. Of the 64 unions in the AFL-CIO, less than half were committed to a candidate.

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Lydia Leftcoast Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-22-04 11:37 AM
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1. The matter of union support
In the old days, the union bosses could say "You will support Candidate X because he's good for labor," and the rank and file would dutifully go to their caucus or precinct and vote accordingly.

In 1988, when Gephardt last ran in Iowa, a lot of the union oldtimers were still around. Sixteen years later, it's a whole new generation out there, and they don't want to be herded.

In the past few weeks, I saw a couple of threads from union members lamenting the fact that their union bosses had chosen to endorse a candidate whom they didn't agree with, all without any input from the rank and file.

I think that if unions are to retain their political clout, they will have to endorse candidates ONLY after making sure that a majority of their members actually approve. Otherwise, a union endorsement will mean about as much as an endorsement from a Cub Scout troop.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-22-04 11:46 AM
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2. Post 9-11 the Fire Fighters was the BIG endorsement.
I am amazed that so many underestimated their power. Kerry EARNED their endorsement in every way possible.

They will help Kerry win big in Nov., too.
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WhoCountsTheVotes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-22-04 11:54 AM
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3. The white collars sold the blue collars out
The white collars have - so far - been immune from offshoring and exporting jobs. The AFSCME, government workers, don't have much to lose from "free trade" and neither do the SEIU. That's why it was so jarring to see them get behind Dean, who had actually attended the signing of NAFTA - just as disgusting as Gephardt's Rose Garden appearance with Bush.

Now of course, all the white collar workers who sold out their blue collar brothers and sisters are getting outsourced, insourced, and offshored too. Some AFSCME unions - like the prison guards - endorsed Bush, and got rewarded by the DSH anti-union proposals. In any case, I don't expect much from the AFSCME, but the SEIU - how could you?

The labor movement is dead if the split over "protectionism" and blue vs. white doesn't heal soon.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-22-04 01:22 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Good points.
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