I wasn't surprised to some of the reaction to my decision. I have learned in my many years in political activity, that with every decision one makes someone is going to think it is wrong. And, yes, a fool never changes his mind. I have been accused of being many things, and describe by many names, but not being able to change my mind or admit that I have wrong is not among them. I have done both, change my mind and admit that I have been wrong. I think my good friend, Jean, would testify to that fact--even though she may disagree with this decision.
In my letter, I could have dwelled on my earlier thoughts on Dean. In fact, he was not on my radar screen to give serious consideration as the next DNC Chair. I truly had to be won over. If the readers had been able to read the materials sent by all the candidates or attended the St. Louis forum, all candidates stated exactly what Dean talks about in the type of message the national Democratic Party should be about. If you watched C-Span's recording of the Southern and Eastern Regional forums you would witnessed this for yourself. But, set Dean apart in my opinion was he steadfast position that our message should be formed by our party and elected officials outside of Washington and at the local level in red and blue states. He would be the vehicle of that message. I should note that the Association of State Democratic Chairs met through a telephone conference call this morning to discuss the Chair's race and endorsed Dean overwhelming. It should be further noted that many Southern and Western Chairs were enthuastic about their support of Dean. They feel comfortable about Dean coming into their states and helping them win elections. Also, it is my understanding that Wellington Webb dropped out of the race this morning and endorsed Dean. Webb was the former Mayor of Denver in a traditional red state that saw some successes for the Democrats.
I also wished that Katharine would have been with us at the 8 listening tours we held throughout the state, she would have maybe have been surprised by the similarity of thought and that very few expressed strong disapproval of a possible Dean chairmanship. If Dean is elected we need to rally our national party's leader in helping him rebuild our party structure at the base, in all fifty states!
Finally, the MN DNC Delegation of our State Chair, Associate Chair and four DNC members met today night (Monday) to discuss our individual thoughts on the next DNC Chair. All six members of the Minnesota delegation will be voting for Howard Dean.
Remember, we are going to disagree at times in our political party. God, we're Democrats. If your a Repubican, if you disagree with the political thought of the right-wing conservative element, you are not welcome at the table or in the room!
Rick Stafford