They report and they decide. It was so evident during the the run-up to the Iraq War, the Democratic Presidential Primaries and the general election until it was blatant. The media rumor mongers, practices reporting of personal destruction and agrandizes those they choose to. They are very adept at this game of political manipulation of its viewers, readers and the general voting public.
The media reports on itself as though it is a viable undisputed source. The go round will start by a blurp published in the New York Post, followed by a piece in the Wall Street Journal. Fox News (or some other electronic media presstitute)will pick up the story and attribute it to one of those two papers, if not both.....have a journalist on to discuss the smear, inuendo, gossip or whatever they are pushing at the time. From there, the "product story line" will be reported about in Newsweek or Time magazine and find it's way over to MSnbc or CNN, and from there find it's way to the New York Time and/or WAPO. Shortly thereafer, the topic will find itself being reported about on the Network News. Once a complete run of those named above has occurred, it becomes solidified as a fact.....and there is not stopping it from there. the final "coup the gras" is when the story reaches AP for dessimination--at that point, denial of the story (even if false) would be like stopping the Tsunami with an umbrella.
For absolute effect, chosen polster will herald a poll that agrees with the concensus that was media manipulated....for good measure.
Scary folks....very scary.
They have the power, and they know it.