As I see it, the future of Social Security is dependent on countries like China and Japan. Why? Because the crisis in America is not with Social Security, it with the huge deficits being created by George Bush and the present Republican Congress. If the candy jar is suddenly taken away, that will be the day of reckoning.
It is China and Japan and other countries holding our debt that are also holding the candy jar. If they refused to buy US dollars and opted for Euros, for example, how would we pay for the $500 billion dollar deficit per year?? Since the Republicans are adamant, and religiously so, that there will be no tax increases, Social Security - like every other government program - would then be on the chopping block. Because we could not afford them.
In actuality, the Repubs are in the process of creating a "crisis" in Social Security and the rest of government. Democrats need to emphasize the danger of these huge deficits and the looming real "crisis" on the horizon. It is the debt, and the unwillingness of the Republican majority to deal with it, that is the major challenge for our nation.