Does hot air from torture condoners impress anyone here?.
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Tue Feb-01-05 07:41 PM
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Does hot air from torture condoners impress anyone here?. |
The Senate Dems want everyone to know that although they have agreed to allow the torture of every man, woman and child in America, they have a lot of hot air to spout out against the instrument they are empowering to torture us. Gonzales believes Bush can violate the Constitution and the laws of the United States at will. We are standing up and fighting and our leaders have sold us into the torture pit. The Republicans are evil and they can be expected to do evil things. But the Democratic leaders owe us a duty to protect America.
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Tue Feb-01-05 07:49 PM
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1. Gee I didn't know they'd voted yet |
Do you know something the rest of us don't? I was pretty impressed with quite a few of the dems, and every single one I saw said they were voting "no". Can't you at least let them vote before you bash them?
Just Me
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Tue Feb-01-05 07:55 PM
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2. Are you a fortune-teller or do you have inside information we don't |
about how many Dems are voting against Gonzales? How do you know whether or not Gonzales is a sure thing?
Do you hate Senate Dems more than neoCONspirators and Republicans? Well, obviously you DO HATE Senate Dems MORE than neoCONspirators and Republicans cause otherwise you'd be bashing the hell out of,...*sigh*
No wonder the neo-fascists are kicking our ass. We HELP THEM DO IT!!! :grr:
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Tue Feb-01-05 07:58 PM
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.... if I play with a rattlesnake I'm not surprised if he bites, that is what rattlesnakes do.
If I play with a kitten I am damn unhappy if it bites.
I don't expect Reps to behave morally, its just not in them. I do expect Dems to.
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Tue Feb-01-05 07:56 PM
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3. an appropriate quote here |
Whenever I hear any one arguing for slavery I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally. -- Abraham Lincoln
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:15 AM
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