So many fought so very hard to try to get ALL votes counted in the last US "election", but we have forgotten important point,
NO ONES "VOTE" COUNTED, NOT EVEN THE REPUKES. Yes, their "candidate" is in office, but with the predetermined selection, it really didn't matter who any repuke voted for, and their votes did not count anymore than ours did.
I've been away from the DU for awhile so please excuse me if this was brought up before. I'm sure someone will want to argue the point, but if you look at the facts you will see that this is the truth, plain and simple.
I also predict that the next "president" of the US for 2008 election will be.... the current lunatic in thief!!! Why? Check this out, trying to repeal the 22nd amendment!:
Looks as if they have decided he's a keeper!!!
Pray he has a public meltdown and ends up drooling in some nursing facility before next "sElection", though I'm sure they have an alternate lined up to take his place.
If this information has been previously posted sorry, but it needs to be kicked over and over until ALL are aware and battling to stop it.
Hello to all, hope to be back more often.:toast: :hi: :yourock: