Someone put a post on GD yesterday saying they'd received a letter signed by Walter Cronkite, inviting them to join the "Interfaith Alliance".
When I checked it out, it looked pretty interesting. For one thing, it was way more politically-oriented than I expected. The first three articles on their website were:
1) "Send the Gonzales Confirmation Back to Committee" (they think Gonzales should be forced to answer the questions he evaded)
2) "Interfaith Alliance supports SpongeBob, Tolerance"
3) "Will He Speak as Preacher or President?" (where they politely
suggest Bush stop using God for political ends)
This is the link to the post: also have links where you can send pre-formatted letters to your elected officials on various issues (I signed the one on Gonzales)- you don't have to give money to use them but I ended up sending them a little money anyway.
Today I got an e-mail from them asking people to provide their comments about the SOTU speech. Apparently, they're going to issue a response to the SOTU incorporating member's input.
Thought I'd bring this to the attention of GDPers since this group is very politically-oriented.