Since 1945 let's say, what has needed fixed that was so broken and how has our govenment handled it or messed it up?
I ask this based on the ideas of social security, welfare, and other big impact programs. My point being that we have been able to help the poor through government programs and still people have ran businesses and made a lot of money. It could/should be a win-win for everyone.
When will government find a solution and stick with it instead of F*ing with it all the time, tweaking it, robbing from it, et al? IS IT REALLY THAT HARD??
Fund the things we need to, from military to the poor to health care, simplify the tax code so companies can't weasel out of it, and so on - THEN get the hell out of the way, don't touch it, and send the congress home to only meet a few times a year to examine what might need fixed.
Ok, so maybe not the best of ideas, so I am open to hear what yours are :)