Here is the summary paper released by the campaign today on Governor Dean's proposals to revive democracy and end the role of big money in American Politics:
Ending the Role of Big Money in American Politics
Despite George W. Bush’s words last night, the state of our nation is not well. Indeed, the soul of our nation is at risk because the corrupting influence of special interest money is eating away at the core of our democracy.
Our politicians engage in a relentless arms race for campaign cash, and our democracy is for sale to the highest bidder. The people recognize the problem. They understand that their elected officials are more concerned with fundraising for re-election than with meeting the needs of ordinary people. 74% of respondents to a recent survey felt that politicians sometimes vote the way their big contributors want them to — regardless of whether that’s best for the country or their constituents. And they’re right.
Big money corrupts politics – and the losers are ordinary Americans. Why don’t we have health care for every American? Why does prescription drug legislation do nothing to reduce costs and introduce competition? Why don’t we have an energy program in this country to reduce our dependence on imported oil? Why are more and more of our TV, radio stations and newspapers owned by just a handful of giant companies? In every case, the answer is: Big money.
Only real campaign finance reform can break the stranglehold that special interests have on the levers of public policy through campaign cash. Ours has become a government of the special interests, by the special interests and for the special interests.
And those with the money to play in this system don’t represent average Americans. Wealthy special interests are the high rollers in this pay-to-play system. 96% of the most active political donors have incomes over $100,000 - 82% male, 92% white. If money is a form of speech, as the Supreme Court has regrettably found, rich donors will always be the loudest speakers.
proposals follow>..................*media requirements for air time during campaigns, bbv, abolish gerrymanderingand a
citizen commission, working to establish run off voting and reform of the electoral college