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NH Daily Tracking - Dean 26 Kerry 24 Clark 18 Edwards 9

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ringmastery Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:15 PM
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NH Daily Tracking - Dean 26 Kerry 24 Clark 18 Edwards 9

Only one day of the poll was done on Tuesday (the day after the Iowa caucus).

Can anyone approximate what Tuesday's polling data was from the 3 day tracking? Kerry must be in the lead.
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NewYorkerfromMass Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:17 PM
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1. No matter. The trends are apparent
Dean down, Kerry up. I see nothing to change that.
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NewHampster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:22 PM
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2. Zogby has Dean 25 Kerry 23

Jan 18-20

Former VT Governor Howard Dean

MA Senator John Kerry

Retired General Wesley K. Clark

NC Senator John Edwards

CT Senator Joseph Lieberman

OH Congressman Dennis Kucinich

Civil Rights Activist Rev. Al Sharpton


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mohc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:29 PM
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3. based on the last week of that tracking poll
Dean was at 28% for 5 straight days (of rolling averages), so his daily for the 20th is probably at 22%, but we have to keep in mind MoE. Kerry has been around 20%, so his daily could be as high as 32%, we will know by tomorrow as his lower numbers fall out of the average. Edwards has only moved up a little, probably to around 11%. If things continue the way they are going now, it should end up Kerry-Dean-Edwards-Clark by the time its all over. But we'll just have to wait and see.
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mohc Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:40 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. From the site

"While Howard Dean has a 2 percentage-point lead over John Kerry in the 3-day average, Kerry has a 1 percentage-point lead in the 2-day average (sample size of 508 likely Democratic primary voters) and Kerry has a 5 percentage-point lead in the one-day sample on January 20 (the sample size of 302 likely Democratic voters, theoretical margin of error ± 6 percentage points). Also, from January 19 to January 20, Wesley Clark is up 1 percentage point and John Edwards is up 3 percentage points. There is no change for Joe Lieberman."

This changes the picture a little, instead of Clark being on the decline, he is actually rebounding, he must have had a bad day which pulled down his averages in the past 3 days. Edwards is indeed at 11 as I predicted, but thats within MoE. Looks like the 20th was something like:

Kerry 27 (Up 3)
Dean 22 (Down 6)
Clark 19 (Up 1)
Edwards 11 (Up 3)
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