"While Howard Dean has a 2 percentage-point lead over John Kerry in the 3-day average, Kerry has a 1 percentage-point lead in the 2-day average (sample size of 508 likely Democratic primary voters) and Kerry has a 5 percentage-point lead in the one-day sample on January 20 (the sample size of 302 likely Democratic voters, theoretical margin of error ± 6 percentage points). Also, from January 19 to January 20, Wesley Clark is up 1 percentage point and John Edwards is up 3 percentage points. There is no change for Joe Lieberman."
This changes the picture a little, instead of Clark being on the decline, he is actually rebounding, he must have had a bad day which pulled down his averages in the past 3 days. Edwards is indeed at 11 as I predicted, but thats within MoE. Looks like the 20th was something like:
Kerry 27 (Up 3)
Dean 22 (Down 6)
Clark 19 (Up 1)
Edwards 11 (Up 3)