When Dean began his campaign there was a definite need to express our anger at the bush administration. Most dems were sitting back and refusing to oppose the repugs. He stirred us up, and he energized a party that was becoming passive. We owe him a great debt for getting us going.
Dean also managed to create a powerful organization with a great deal of fire.
IMHO the season for blind rage is passed. Now is the season for selecting and supporting a candidate that can win. IMHO the season for Dean to lead the party is past.
This does not mean that Dean is now useless, and should be cast aside. He has demonstrated appeal, and organizational abilities.
I am also not suggesting that he drop out of the race. On the chance that I am wrong about his appeal, he should continue, at least until the voters have given a clearer view of their preference(if it is not him). If it becomes clear that he is not the best choice, he can and should remain a strong presence. He should have input to our platform, and he should be heard. His strong organization will ensure that.