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Kerry supporters: A question..

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Hawkeye-X Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:28 PM
Original message
Kerry supporters: A question..
Name me ONE significant piece of legislation that Kerry proposed, crafted, fought for, and passed in his Senate career.

I'd like to know.

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Jack_Dawson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:29 PM
Response to Original message
1. Wow - Dean supporters paying attention to Kerry now
What a difference a week makes!
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Hawkeye-X Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:31 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I'm just gathering information
I may just go beyond Dean and overlook Kerry's faults and just might go for him. I'm just trying to gather info.

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Karmadillo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:43 PM
Response to Reply #2
12. Good for you. Here's a list
of his accomplishments. Hope they help you in making a decision.

1. Massachusetts Telecommunications Council "Policy Maker of the Year"
2. NAM Vets of Cape Cod and Islands Award For Significant and Exemplary Support Rendered To Veterans of This Country and of the Cape and Islands
3. John W. McCormick Award for Public Service

1. June 21, 2002
Parents for Residential Reform, Mass Families Organizing for Change and the Federation for Children with Special Needs presented The Powerful Friend Recognition Award to Senator Kerry "for his outstanding leadership and national voice on behalf of children with disabilities and their families".
2. Visiting Nurse Association of America's "Legislator of the Year"
3. Gerry Studds Stewardship Award from the Boston Harbor Island Alliance for his work to preserve the Boston Harbor Islands
4. Institute of International Education's "Steven P. Duggan Award for International Understanding" for lifetime achievement in public service and leadership in the U.S. Senate

1. Massachusetts Association of Home Health Care's "Legislator of the Year"
2. American Jewish Committee's "Congressional Leadership Award" for efforts on religious freedom in the workplace

1. Friends of the Public Garden's "Henry Lee Award" for efforts to preserve Boston's green spaces

1. "Zero to Three" Association's "Achievement Award" for work on early childhood development issues
2. Association for Enterprise's "Leadership Award" for leadership on the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship
3. Assumption College's "Presidential Medal"

1. National Health Association's "Legislator of the Year Award" for support of expanded child care and attention for at-risk children. Sponsored 1997 Early Childhood Development Act

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Walt Starr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:52 PM
Response to Reply #12
23. I thought the original poster was asking for legislation
That's an awards list.

Give me the meat, not the salad dressing.
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WilliamPitt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:58 PM
Response to Reply #23
33. One does not usually get awards like that for doing nothing
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Walt Starr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:08 PM
Response to Reply #33
41. Like silver stars?
that are thrown over walls...oops, kept for posterity?
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Emillereid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:11 PM
Response to Reply #33
45. Well then, what did he get those awards for --
what good legislation has his name on it.
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sangh0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:20 PM
Response to Reply #45
50. Read the entire thread
and you will read about dozens of bills Kerry worked on.
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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 04:07 PM
Response to Reply #33
54. Like honorary degrees bestowed on TV personalities
Kerry is as phoney as a 3-dollar bill.
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Karmadillo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:58 PM
Response to Reply #23
34. You did?
I was responding to post #2 where the poster noted a search for information about Kerry. Thought the list might help.
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maddezmom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:55 PM
Response to Reply #12
29. looks pretty good to me
thanks for posting the link. :)
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Jacobin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:32 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Well, we already have to swallow his "correct" vote on IWR
Maybe we are interested to see what other baggage we have to put up with if we're gonna get on this stinky, broken-down old horse.

That's my excuse for wondering, anyway.
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BeyondGeography Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:37 PM
Response to Reply #1
6. We need to pay attention, too
Go Hawkeye, Go Hawkeye...
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tryanhas Donating Member (403 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:35 PM
Response to Original message
4. I have a question for Kerry supporters
Does it matter to you that he is a member of Skull and Bones just like Bush?

An elite secret society that boasts a history of 3 Presidents, a host of CIA operatives, and many cabinet members?

Doesn't that raise the question of whether or not Kerry is just running as a Skull and Bones alternative for Bush, so that Skull and Bones can make sure that they keep one of their own in the White House?

Tim Russert questioned Kerry about it on Meet the Press last year, but NOT SURPRISINGLY, Kerry's campaign site didn't include the footage from that MTP appearance on their videos page because they don't want anyone to know about it, although people don't know exactly what it means.

Skull and Bones basically OWNS THE SPECIAL INTERESTS, and the fact that Kerry is a member of it who is sworn to secrecy about it, makes him unfit to be President, just like Bush is unfit.

Here is the transcript:

MR. RUSSERT: You both were members of Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale. What does that tell us?

SEN. KERRY: Not much, because it’s a secret.
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Jack_Dawson Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:37 PM
Response to Reply #4
7. LOL!!! Who cares?
I take it you were never in a fraternity? College fun and nothing more.
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tryanhas Donating Member (403 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:53 PM
Response to Reply #7
25. what did I just say
Edited on Wed Jan-21-04 02:57 PM by tryanhas
Skull and Bones is more than about a college fraternity!

They induct their members through occult rituals, and the organization is obsessed with being in power.

That's all they want is to be in charge.

It is not a college fraternity.

It is about being in charge and that's what they want. If it is about privilege and control.


It is not some alpha or beta issue.

It is an occult organization, a SECRET SOCIETY, that only wants to be in control, which is why, if they don't get the White House, they will get other prominent positions to try and influence legislation. That's what it is all about.

This is the author of the book on Skull and Bones. I think I know how she managed to get into the tomb, lol...

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BeyondGeography Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:08 PM
Response to Reply #25
42. Nice skull, nice bones
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meegbear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:39 PM
Response to Reply #4
8. You mean like Bill Clinton?
No, unless he's a member of NAMBLA, people really don't care.
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tryanhas Donating Member (403 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:45 PM
Response to Reply #8
15. The 3 Skull and Bones Presidents are
Taft, Bush 1, and Bush 2.

Kerry would be the fourth.

Clinton was not an official member of Skull and Bones...
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Westegg Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:11 PM
Response to Reply #15
44. No Taft bashing!
Hey, the Taft Administration dissolved Standard Oil and the tobacco trusts, and drafted the amendments calling for direct election of senators and the income tax. And Taft was a conservationist. So he can't be ALL bad. Didn't know he was Skull and Bones, I'll admit, but is S&B truly as evil as all that? Isn't it kinda like a Yalie version of the Freemasons? Yeah, I've read all the lore about the Masons, but my late grandad, who was a fine man who managed a little movie theater in Uniontown, PA and spent much of his life is debt, was a Mason.

I think one can take secret-society obsession a bit too far. What the Bad Guys do right in front of us, in the clear light of day, is what bothers me.
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AntiCoup2K4 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:54 PM
Response to Reply #8
27. Are you implying Bill Clinton's a child molestor?
That's pretty lame.
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tryanhas Donating Member (403 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:58 PM
Response to Reply #27
35. What?
Who are you talking to?

I know I didn't imply anything like that.
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meegbear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:06 PM
Response to Reply #27
39. Ah .... no
Edited on Wed Jan-21-04 03:06 PM by meegbear
Please reread and think accordingly. Thank you.
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WilliamPitt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:47 PM
Response to Reply #4
18. Members of Skull & Bones

One or two good people there.
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tryanhas Donating Member (403 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:49 PM
Response to Reply #18
21. One or two, or even 10???
Out of all of those says a lot.

There are not many "good ones" in reference to the total number.
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WilliamPitt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:52 PM
Response to Reply #21
24. But John Kerry is one of them
Check the voting record I posted if you're still not sure. It's down below.
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tryanhas Donating Member (403 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:03 PM
Response to Reply #24
38. Voting record is irrelevant
You do what you have to do to keep one of your own in office to make sure that they do the things you want them to do.

If all Skull and Bones members were just like George W. Bush, then how could they run another one of their guys against him to keep one of their own in office?

They need someone like Kerry to keep on of their own there.

I just cannot trust Kerry, but that's just me.

I'm sure other people don't care about him and Bush being members of the same elite secret society, but it's just too much for me to vote at all if he is the nominee.

I'm tired of shadow governments and a White House full of secrecy.
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sandnsea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:48 PM
Response to Reply #4
20. In a word, NOOOO! n/t
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zulchzulu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:59 PM
Response to Reply #4
36. Hats are real easy to make with tin foil
Edited on Wed Jan-21-04 03:04 PM by zulchzulu
Black helicoptors fly in your neighborhood too.
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He loved Big Brother Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:14 PM
Response to Reply #36
48. Right.
I'm sure Skull and Bones is completely benign. :eyes:
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meegbear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:37 PM
Response to Original message
5. Check his senate and campaign sites and
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tryanhas Donating Member (403 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:40 PM
Response to Reply #5
9. For what?
I said that Meet the Press appearance where they discussed that, not ANY, Meet the Press appearance.
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meegbear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:09 PM
Response to Reply #9
43. Huh?
Name me ONE significant piece of legislation that Kerry proposed, crafted, fought for, and passed in his Senate career.

Please stay on topic when posting responses.
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BeyondGeography Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:40 PM
Response to Reply #5
10. You'll find this there

Whatever your politics, the story of Kerry's rescue of Green Beret Rassmann is incredibly moving. As was Kerry's modest reaction to it, last Saturday in Iowa.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:42 PM
Response to Original message
11. CHIPS. The bill that Dean used to expand healthcare to children.
Kerry and Kennedy worked on it.

Kerry worked on the normalization of relations with Vietnam and all the legislation that needed.

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JaneQPublic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:55 PM
Response to Reply #11
30. Did these bills bear his name? (n/t)
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sangh0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:57 PM
Response to Reply #30
32. What difference does THAT make?
Why do you ask?
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:01 PM
Response to Reply #30
37. Rules of the Senate...the senior Sen. of each party
Edited on Wed Jan-21-04 03:02 PM by blm
gets the name on the bill. After Kerry worked on the bill with Kennedy, Hatch wanted to sign on which automatically dropped Kerry's name. I'm sure you must know that by now, eh?
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Nazgul35 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:14 PM
Response to Reply #37
46. since you are interested in the rules of the Senate...
maybe some info about how the Senate works....

Most of the actual work is done by staffers.....Senators sit on an average of 6 committees as compared to one for the House.....they chair on average two committees, whereas in the House you have to wait for someone to die before you get the gig (actually not that bad now....but still worse than the Senate)....

The marking of bills occurs in the full committee, so Senators don't have to waste time doing it twice.....

It is not the Senate that has a reputation of members as specialists in the policies they are creating...rather it is the House that has that reputation....

If you had to pick from those members of the crop of Congress members who would be solid on the actual details of policies today...your first choice should be Gephardt and Kucinich....not Kerry, Edwards or Lieberman....

The standard is that House members are policy wonks whereas Senators are posers.......
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 04:06 PM
Response to Reply #46
53. Guess you hated his work exposing Reagan and Bush in BCCI and IranContra
Edited on Wed Jan-21-04 04:06 PM by blm
then. You know, the work he had to do mostly by himself because OTHER Dems were trying to block him.
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Monte Carlo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:43 PM
Response to Original message
13. Kerry's not known as a great drafter of bills...
... as far as I know, few bills make it to a vote that bear his name. He's much more of a 'executive legislator'. He has led many investigations and issue initiatives, however.
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sandnsea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:47 PM
Response to Reply #13
19. That's hype,
He's got alot of legislation under his belt. That's Boston Globe hype. Plus, alot of his work is done through Amendments because he found that was the best way to get things done.
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WilliamPitt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:44 PM
Response to Original message
14. He wrote the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act, for starters
John Kerry on Abortion

Partial-birth abortions undermine a woman's right to choose. (Nov 2003)
No criminalization of a woman's right to choose. (Jun 2003)
Voted NO on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions. (Jun 2000)
Voted NO on banning partial birth abortions. (Oct 1999)
Voted NO on disallowing overseas military abortions. (May 1999)

John Kerry on Budget & Economy

Will follow Clinton's plan to halve deficit in four years. (Oct 2003)
Bush policy kept economy afloat in recession-keep some of it. (Sep 2003)
No excuse for special tax cuts for the rich. (Jun 2003)
Voted NO on prioritizing national debt reduction below tax cuts. (Apr 2000)
Voted NO on 1998 GOP budget. (May 1997)
Voted NO on Balanced-budget constitutional amendment. (Mar 1997)

John Kerry on Civil Rights

For partnership rights and civil union. (Nov 2003)
Include a sunset provision in the Patriot Act. (Jun 2003)
Voted YES on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes. (Jun 2002)
Voted YES on loosening restrictions on cell phone wiretapping. (Oct 2001)
Voted YES on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation. (Jun 2000)
Voted YES on setting aside 10% of highway funds for minorities & women. (Mar 1998)
Voted NO on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business. (Oct 1997)
Voted NO on prohibiting same-sex marriage. (Sep 1996)
Voted YES on prohibiting job discrimination by sexual orientation. (Sep 1996)
Voted NO on Amendment to prohibit flag burning. (Dec 1995)
Voted NO on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds. (Jul 1995)
Shift from group preferences to economic empowerment of all. (Aug 2000)

John Kerry on Corporations

Democratize the process of corporate boards. (Sep 2003)
Voted NO on restricting rules on personal bankruptcy. (Jul 2001)

John Kerry on Crime

Death penalty for Osama bin Laden. (Dec 2003)
Voted YES on $1.15 billion per year to continue the COPS program. (May 1999)
Voted NO on limiting death penalty appeals. (Apr 1996)
Voted NO on limiting product liability punitive damage awards. (Mar 1996)
Voted YES on restricting class-action lawsuits. (Dec 1995)
Voted YES on repealing federal speed limits. (Jun 1995)
Voted NO on mandatory prison terms for crimes involving firearms. (May 1994)
Voted NO on rejecting racial statistics in death penalty appeals. (May 1994)
More funding and stricter sentencing for hate crimes. (Apr 2001)
Require DNA testing for all federal executions. (Mar 2001)

John Kerry on Drugs

Admits having smoked marijuana. (Nov 2003)
Voted NO on increasing penalties for drug offenses. (Nov 1999)
Voted NO on spending international development funds on drug control. (Jul 1996)

John Kerry on Education

Supported "No Child Left Behind," but Bush reneged. (Oct 2003)
Voted YES on funding smaller classes instead of private tutors. (May 2001)
Voted YES on funding student testing instead of private tutors. (May 2001)
Voted YES on spending $448B of tax cut on education & debt reduction. (Apr 2001)
Voted NO on Educational Savings Accounts. (Mar 2000)
Voted NO on allowing more flexibility in federal school rules. (Mar 1999)
Voted NO on education savings accounts. (Jun 1998)
Voted NO on school vouchers in DC. (Sep 1997)
Voted NO on $75M for abstinence education. (Jul 1996)
Voted NO on requiring schools to allow voluntary prayer. (Jul 1994)
Voted YES on national education standards. (Feb 1994)
Offer every parent Charter Schools and public school choice. (Aug 2000)
Three R’s: $35B for Reinvestment,Reinvention,Responsibility. (Jan 2001)

John Kerry on Energy & Oil

20% renewable energy by 2020. (Nov 2003)
ANWR won't provide any oil for 20 years. (Sep 2003)
Invent our way out of oil dependency-don't drill our way out. (Sep 2003)
Invest in advancing secure forms of energy instead of oil. (Jun 2003)
Led effort to try to raise fuel efficiency standards. (May 2003)
Create new energy sources to end Mideast dependency. (May 2002)
Voted YES on targeting 100,000 hydrogen-powered vehicles by 2010. (Jun 2003)
Voted YES on removing consideration of drilling ANWR from budget bill. (Mar 2003)
Voted NO on drilling ANWR on national security grounds. (Apr 2002)
Voted NO on replacing CAFE standards within 15 months. (Mar 2002)
Voted NO on preserving budget for ANWR oil drilling. (Apr 2000)
Voted YES on keeping CAFE fuel efficiency standards. (Sep 1999)
Voted NO on defunding renewable and solar energy. (Jun 1999)
Voted NO on approving a nuclear waste repository. (Apr 1997)
Voted NO on do not require ethanol in gasoline. (Aug 1994)
Supports tradable emissions permits for greenhouse gases. (Aug 2000)

John Kerry on Environment

Safeguard the environment and grow the economy. (Jun 2003)
Voted NO on confirming Gale Norton as Secretary of Interior. (Jan 2001)
Voted NO on more funding for forest roads and fish habitat. (Sep 1999)
Voted NO on transportation demo projects. (Mar 1998)
Voted YES on reducing funds for road-building in National Forests. (Sep 1997)
Voted YES on continuing desert protection in California. (Oct 1994)
Voted YES on requiring EPA risk assessments. (May 1994)
Reduce liability for hazardous waste cleanup. (May 2001)

John Kerry on Families & Children

Fund Head Start to leave no child behind. (Sep 2003)
Voted YES on restricting violent videos to minors. (May 1999)
Give parents tools to balance work and family. (Aug 2000)

John Kerry on Foreign Policy

Excluding other nations in rebuilding Iraq is dumb. (Dec 2003)
Supports multilateral cooperative internationalism. (Oct 2003)
Voted YES on enlarging NATO to include Eastern Europe. (May 2002)
Voted YES on killing a bill for trade sanctions if China sells weapons. (Sep 2000)
Voted NO on cap foreign aid at only $12.7 billion. (Oct 1999)
Voted YES on limiting the President's power to impose economic sanctions. (Jul 1998)
Voted NO on limiting NATO expansion to only Poland, Hungary & Czech. (Apr 1998)
Voted YES on $17.9 billion to IMF. (Mar 1998)
Voted NO on Strengthening of the trade embargo against Cuba. (Mar 1996)
Voted YES on ending Vietnam embargo. (Jan 1994)
Progressive Internationalism: globalize with US pre-eminence. (Aug 2000)
Multi-year commitment to Africa for food & medicine. (Apr 2001)

John Kerry on Free Trade

Veto FTAA and CAFTA until they have stronger standards. (Jan 4)
Dean's trade policy is protectionist. (Sep 2003)
FTAA needs more labor and environmental standards. (Sep 2003)
Fix NAFTA-canceling it would be disastrous. (Sep 2003)
Capitalism and democracy go hand in hand. (May 2003)
Voted YES on extending free trade to Andean nations. (May 2002)
Voted YES on granting normal trade relations status to Vietnam. (Oct 2001)
Voted YES on removing common goods from national security export rules. (Sep 2001)
Voted YES on permanent normal trade relations with China. (Sep 2000)
Voted YES on expanding trade to the third world. (May 2000)
Voted YES on renewing 'fast track' presidential trade authority. (Nov 1997)
Voted YES on imposing trade sanctions on Japan for closed market. (May 1995)
Build a rule-based global trading system. (Aug 2000)

John Kerry on Government Reform

Flag and patriotism belong to all Americans. (Jun 2003)
Voted YES on banning "soft money" contributions and restricting issue ads. (Mar 2002)
Voted NO on require photo ID (not just signature) for voter registration. (Feb 2002)
Voted YES on banning campaign donations from unions and corporations. (Apr 2001)
Voted YES on continuing funding for the National Endowment for the Arts. (Aug 1999)
Voted YES on favoring 1997 McCain-Feingold overhaul of campaign finance. (Oct 1997)
Voted YES on Approving the presidential line-item veto. (Mar 1996)
Voted NO on banning more types of Congressional gifts. (Jul 1995)
Voluntary public financing for all general elections. (Aug 2000)

John Kerry on Gun Control

Democratic Party shouldn't be for the NRA. (Nov 2003)
Supports assault weapons ban & Brady Bill. (Oct 2003)
Voted YES on background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
Voted NO on more penalties for gun & drug violations. (May 1999)
Voted NO on loosening license & background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
Voted NO on maintaining current law: guns sold without trigger locks. (Jul 1998)
Prevent unauthorized firearm use with "smart gun" technology. (Aug 2000)

John Kerry on Health Care

Cover more citizens with health plan like Congress gets. (May 2003)
Lack of accessible health care is a disgrace. (May 2002)
Voted YES on allowing importation of Rx drugs from Canada. (Jul 2002)
Voted YES on allowing patients to sue HMOs & collect punitive damages. (Jun 2001)
Voted NO on funding GOP version of Medicare prescription drug benefit. (Apr 2001)
Voted YES on including prescription drugs under Medicare. (Jun 2000)
Voted NO on limiting self-employment health deduction. (Jul 1999)
Voted YES on increasing tobacco restrictions. (Jun 1998)
Voted NO on banning human cloning. (Feb 1998)
Voted YES on Medicare means-testing. (Jun 1997)
Voted YES on medical savings acounts. (Apr 1996)
Establish "report cards" on HMO quality of care. (Aug 2000)

John Kerry on Homeland Security

Focus more on human intelligence gathering. (Nov 2003)
Make certain the veterans have benefits. (Nov 2003)
No new generation of nuclear weapons. (Sep 2003)
Automatic citizenship to immigrants who serves in army. (Sep 2003)
Voted YES on adopting the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. (Oct 1999)
Voted YES on allowing another round of military base closures. (May 1999)
Voted NO on cutting nuclear weapons below START levels. (May 1999)
Voted YES on deploying National Missile Defense ASAP. (Mar 1999)
Voted YES on military pay raise of 4.8%. (Feb 1999)
Voted NO on deploying missile defense as soon as possible. (Sep 1998)
Voted NO on prohibiting same-sex basic training. (Jun 1998)
Voted NO on favoring 36 vetoed military projects. (Oct 1997)
Voted YES on banning chemical weapons. (Apr 1997)
Voted NO on considering deploying NMD, and amending ABM Treaty. (Jun 1996)
Voted NO on 1996 Defense Appropriations. (Sep 1995)

John Kerry on Immigration

Amnesty to anyone here over 5 or 6 years. (Sep 2003)
Voted NO on allowing more foreign workers into the U.S. for farm work. (Jul 1998)
Voted NO on visas for skilled workers. (May 1998)
Voted NO on limit welfare for immigrants. (Jun 1997)

John Kerry on Infrastructure

Voted YES on Internet sales tax moratorium. (Oct 1998)
Voted YES on telecomm deregulation. (Feb 1996)
Chief information officer to digitize federal government. (Aug 2000)
Promote internet via Congressional Internet Caucus. (Jan 2001)

John Kerry on Jobs

Trade grows jobs. (Sep 2003)
Jump start jobs at home via energy independence. (Sep 2003)
Voted NO on repealing Clinton's ergonomic rules on repetitive stress. (Mar 2001)
Voted NO on killing an increase in the minimum wage. (Nov 1999)
Voted NO on allowing workers to choose between overtime & comp-time. (May 1997)
Voted NO on replacing farm price supports. (Feb 1996)

John Kerry on Principles & Values

Ready to lead America: I was there and I led the fight. (Dec 2003)
Honors the separation of church and state. (Dec 2003)
Political heroes: Max Cleland, FDR, JFK, Lincoln. (Nov 2003)
Despite Zell Miller, Dem Party does speak to southerners. (Nov 2003)
Campaign built around a call to service. (Oct 2003)
Redeem promise for a better America for our children. (Oct 2003)
Bush broke his three biggest campaign promises. (Oct 2003)
Favorite song: Bruce Springsteen, "No Surrender.". (Sep 2003)
Need a president who won't write laws only for contributors. (Sep 2003)
Contest between common sense values and extreme ideologues. (Jun 2003)
I'm talking about things that matter to people. (May 2003)
It is time for this country to ask again, why not? (May 2003)
Religious affiliation: Catholic. (Nov 2000)
Supports Hyde Park Declaration of "Third Way" centrism. (Aug 2000)
Member of Democratic Leadership Council. (Nov 2000)
New Democrat: "Third Way" instead of left-right debate. (Nov 2000)
Member of the Senate New Democrat Coalition. (Jan 2001)

John Kerry on Social Security

I will never privatize, extend retirement age, nor cut SS. (Jan 4)
Guarantee Social Security soundness, even if unpopular. (Sep 2003)
Don't threaten Social Security on Wall Street trading block. (May 2002)
Voted NO on Social Security Lockbox & limiting national debt. (Apr 1999)
Voted NO on allowing Roth IRAs for retirees. (May 1998)
Voted NO on allowing personal retirement accounts. (Apr 1998)
Voted NO on deducting Social Security payments on income taxes. (May 1996)
Create Retirement Savings Accounts. (Aug 2000)

John Kerry on Tax Reform

They're not Bush tax cuts, they're Democrat tax cuts. (Oct 2003)
GOP tax policy comforts the comfortable. (Oct 2003)
10% bracket in Bush tax cuts was Democrats' idea. (Sep 2003)
Bush tax cuts reach 32 million in middle class. (Sep 2003)
We're tired of being trickled on--Middle class tax cuts now. (Jun 2003)
Voted NO on $350 billion in tax breaks over 11 years. (May 2003)
Voted NO on cutting taxes by $1.35 trillion over 11 years. (May 2001)
Voted YES on reducing marriage penalty instead of cutting top tax rates. (May 2001)
Voted YES on increasing tax deductions for college tuition. (May 2001)
Voted NO on eliminating the 'marriage penalty'. (Jul 2000)
Voted NO on across-the-board spending cut. (Oct 1999)
Voted NO on $792B tax cuts. (Jul 1999)
Voted NO on requiring super-majority for raising taxes. (Apr 1998)
Voted NO on FY99 tax cuts. (Apr 1998)

John Kerry on War & Peace

Pre-emptive strike ok only when US survival at stake. (Jan 4)
Get US more deeply involved in Arab-Israeli peace process. (Nov 2003)
Leadership comes from experience: share the war burden. (Oct 2003)
Bush has broken his promises & is mismanaging war. (Oct 2003)
Maybe on $87B for Iraq-repeal Bush tax cut to pay it, if yes. (Sep 2003)
De-Americanize Iraq: the exit strategy is victory. (Sep 2003)
Vote for war was needed to push Saddam on inspectors. (Sep 2003)
$87B for Iraq only when internationalization is addressed. (Sep 2003)
Don't miss 3rd opportunity in Iraq to bring in UN. (Sep 2003)
Don't send more US troops to Iraq-share power & share burden. (Sep 2003)
Against a misapplied blanket pre-emptive doctrine. (Jun 2003)
Intelligence information should not be manipulated. (Jun 2003)
Disarm Saddam, but war should be a last resort. (May 2003)
Preferred diplomacy, but supported invading Iraq. (May 2003)
Vietnam didn't threaten US; US war crimes did. (Apr 1971)
Vietnam war was criminal hypocrisy and tore apart US. (Apr 1971)
Voted YES on authorizing use of military force against Iraq. (Oct 2002)
Voted NO on allowing all necessary forces and other means in Kosovo. (May 1999)
Voted YES on authorizing air strikes in Kosovo. (Mar 1999)
Voted NO on ending the Bosnian arms embargo. (Jul 1995)
Condemns anti-Muslim bigotry in name of anti-terrorism. (Oct 2001)

John Kerry on Welfare & Poverty

Desperate need to build more affordable housing. (Nov 2003)
Voted YES on welfare block grants. (Aug 1996)
Voted YES on eliminating block grants for food stamps. (Jul 1996)
Voted NO on allowing state welfare waivers. (Jul 1996)
Voted YES on welfare overhaul. (Sep 1995)
Finish welfare reform by moving able recipients into jobs. (Aug 2000)
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Nazgul35 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:07 PM
Response to Reply #14
40. Missing something there aren't you....
voted No to authorize the use of force for the Gulf War Resolution under Bush I.....

Have never understood why he voted no after Iraq had attacked and invaded Kuwait and Bush had worked to assemble an international force through the UN.....

But voted yes to allow Bush II the use of force based on sketchy evidence before he went to the UN and we had an international force of the UK.....oh wait, I think the whole thing was catered by that Korean soldier......

Wonder why he did that? Maybe it was because the first vote came after the election and the second vote came before the election....wouldnt be the first time Kerry has changed his position to benefit his search for a higher office....consider his speach about afirmative action when he was trying for the number two spot under Clinton in 1992......
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emulatorloo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 04:03 PM
Response to Reply #40
52. I can only speculate. . .
Iraq I looked like an internal mideast squabble.

Iraq II was posited as threat of WMD against US, complete w Top Secret Briefings from intelligence agencies for the Senate and House to prove it was true.
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Democrats unite Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:46 PM
Response to Original message
16. As you can see I am for Clark,, but am glad to give a helping...
hand to Kerry. Where should I start?

Kerry has proposed a "payroll tax holiday," exempting the first $10,000 of one's income from being subject to a Social Security tax. According to Kerry, this will target tax relief on the middle-class and lower-class by giving every worker a $765 tax cut and doubling that to $1,530 for every two-income household. He also wants to raise the minimum wage along with the Earned Income Tax Credit, so that non-Welfare working-class families receive tax deductions. Senator Kerry has suggested the formation of a job creation tax credit for employers who institute new positions. Through cooperative efforts with former Senator Dale Bumpers of Arkansas, Kerry has fought to reduce capital gains taxes by 50% for small business owners, and they have proposed a 50%-75% capital gains tax exemption for shareholders in small businesses that specialize in technological advancement.

Senator Kerry supported the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997.

Kerry was a key sponsor of the Code of Arms Transfers Act.

In the fight against child abuse, Kerry has presented a "Two Strikes and You're Out" bill.

Kerry was an original cosponsor of the Women's Health Equity Act.

Kerry authored much of the Global AIDS and Tuberculosis Relief Act of 2000, and has authored the U.S. Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2002 to create a five-year plan in combating AIDS.

Along with Senator Joe Biden, Kerry sponsored a State Department bill amendment that addressed the issue of global climate change by mandating the Bush Administration to engage in international environmental renegotiations and to work toward revising Kyoto Protocol.

And there's more. But why should I have all the fun, why don't you do some research?
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sandnsea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:46 PM
Response to Original message
17. Oh freaking cool! My timeline!!
The John Kerry Timeline and it's not even complete!

Jan. 3, 1970, Kerry requested that his superior, Rear Admiral Walter F. Schlech, Jr., grant him an early discharge because `I've got to get out. I've got to go do what I came back here to do, which is, end this thing,'" Ran for Congress.

One of the organizers of the first Earth Day in Massachusetts in April 1970. The first Earth Day led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species acts.

Organized with Vietnam Veterans Against the War, led the Washington protest in April 1971 and testified to Congress that drew the attention of President Nixon who said “Apparently, this fellow, uh, that they put in the front row, is that what you say, the front the real star...Kerry.” and “Apparently the guy that's really good, the only good one of the damn veterans group, only good from a PR stoundpoint, is Kerry.” One of 4 founders of Vietnam Veterans of America who fought for veteran’s rights.

1977-1982 Prosecutor, Put the #2 Crime Boss in New England behind bars, organized one of the first domestic abuse and sexual assault units in the country.

1983 - 1985 Lt. Governor Massachusetts, began his work on acid rain which culminated in February 1984 resolution of the National Governors Association calling for cuts in sulfur dioxide emissions

1985 Author Civil Rights Protection Act to end discrimination based on sexual orientation.

1985 – Within weeks of taking office took his first fact finding trip to Nicaragua and began the investigation in what would become the Iran/Contra scandal

1988 – 1992 BCCI Scandal, Noriega and drug trafficking and its relation to U.S. foreign policy and law enforcement.

1990- Cosponsor Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act

1990 – Clean Air Act Amendments

1991 – Chairs newly established POW/MIA Affairs Committee to locate missing Vietnam remains.

1994 Violence Against Women Act providing funding for shelters, hotlines, increased law enforcement and more.

1994 Crime Bill, cops on the street

1995 – Along with John McCain push for Normalization of Vietnam relations

1996 Women’s Health Equity Act

1996 Kennedy/Hatch Children’s Health Care $24 billion

Time Magazine's "Honest Man in Politics Award" for being only Senator up for reelection in 1996 to vote against Defense of Marriage Act
Sponsored 1997 Early Childhood Development Act,

1998 "Zero to Three" Association's "Achievement Award" for work on early childhood development issues

1999 Women’s Small Business Center Program

2000 Early Learning Opportunity Act signed

U.S. Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria Act
led to the unanimous passage in May 2003 the United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria Act of 2003

Original cosponsor of the Hate Crimes Prevention

Presented a "Two Strikes and You're Out" bill, which would stipulate mandatory life sentences for two-time child predators who engage in the rape or sexual assault of children

flood insurance laws

Marine Mammal Protection Act

Oceans and Fisheries act

Ranking Member of the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Kerry is a staunch advocate of improved access to health care. His efforts include the Medicare Reform Act, the Patients Bill of Rights, the State Children's Health Insurance Plan (SCHIP), the Nurse Reinvestment Act, the Women's Health Equity Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act. He has also been awarded Legislator of the Year by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Massachusetts Home Health Care Association in 2000 and 2001, respectively.
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zulchzulu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:54 PM
Response to Reply #17
26. Yeah, but....
Kidding! Absolutely! This shows his depth of experience and actual proof that he is a Real Democrat, not a poseur or Johnny-Come-Lately...
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:50 PM
Response to Original message
22. Reconciliation with Vietnam.
I suppose you will say it is insignificant. :eyes:
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Jacobin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:56 PM
Response to Reply #22
31. And war with Iraq. Another country that never attacked us
The mind boggles.
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Feanorcurufinwe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:19 PM
Response to Reply #31
49. Tell that to the anti-war voters in Iowa who went with Kerry over Dean.

They didn't seem to be persuaded by the Dean campaigns attempts to twist the truth.

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Democrats unite Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 02:55 PM
Response to Original message
28. I hope you were looking for the information you were seeking...
Or got information you hoped would not have been here.
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curse10 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:14 PM
Response to Original message
47. Here are several
Kerry's environmental record is second to none. I think some of his biggest accomplishments are in that field.

this is from

Clean Air

• Senator Kerry has been a leader in the fight to protect New England’s air quality, especially from powerplants operating in the Midwest with few environmental safeguards. Pollution from those facilities is carried eastward to New England where it contributes to acid rain, smog and health problems. Senator Kerry has fought legislative efforts that would have interfered with Clean Air Act enforcement, and he called on the Clinton and Bush Administrations to pursue violators and enforce the law. This has been an important effort for the State of Massachusetts and local officials.

The Marine Environment

• When the Bush Administration signaled that it may overturn longstanding policy prohibiting oil and gas drilling off the coast of New England and especially in the fishing ground of Georges Bank, Senator Kerry moved to strengthen that prohibition. The Senator amended the law preventing drilling to ensure New England’s coast had the same protections are other federal waters. His provision became law in 2001.

• Senator Kerry was the lead cosponsor of the National Marine Sanctuaries Reauthorization Act of 2000 which increases funding levels for this national ocean program, including Stellwagen National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of Massachusetts. The Stellwagen is an important habitat for whales and other species central to the Massachusetts environment. The bill was signed into law by President Clinton.

Preserving Our Natural Landscape

• Senator Kerry was the original sponsor of legislation to designate the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Rivers as National Wild & Scenic Rivers. Identical legislation was passed by the Senate and signed into law by President Clinton.

• Senator Kerry cosponsored legislation to expand the Quinebaug-Shetucket National Heritage Corridor from 25 Connecticut towns into nine towns in southern Worcester County. The bill passed the Senate and was signed into law by President Clinton.

• Senator Kerry sponsored legislation authorizing the National Park Service to study the Taunton River for designation within the National Wild & Scenic Rivers System. After Massachusetts officials testified before a key Senate committee, the bill passed the Senate and was signed into law by President Clinton.

• Senator Kerry has worked closely with the City of Boston to prevent flooding and develop open space along the Muddy River which runs from Brookline through the Boston Fenway to the Charles River. The Senator authored an amendment to the Water Resources Development Act of 1999 authorizing the Army Corps of Engineers to study a comprehensive plan for the Muddy River. The legislation became law and the basis for additional study, funding and project development.

• Senator Kerry lead the effort to urge the White House to select the East Coast Greenway—a proposed non-motorized trail extending from Maine to Florida—as one of the National Flagship Millennium Trails. The Senator authored a bipartisan letter to the White House, and the trail was selected. The Massachusetts portion of the trail is planned to run up the Blackstone Heritage Corridor to Worcester, then east to Boston and finally to New Hampshire.

• Senator Kerry was a lead cosponsor of legislation to study the designation of the Upper Housatonic River as a National Heritage Area. The bill passed the Senate and was signed into law by President Clinton.

• Senator Kerry has backed efforts to revitalize urban open space. He cosponsored an amendment to the Department of Interior Appropriations Bill to increase funding for urban parks throughout the nation, including Boston, which strongly supported the amendment. The amendment was signed into law by President Clinton.

• Senator Kerry has backed increased funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund which funds parks and open space preservation in Massachusetts and throughout the country. An amendment he cosponsored to increase funding was signed into law by President Clinton.

• Senator Kerry sponsored legislation to convey Coast Guard property in Scituate, Nantucket and Plum Island. These conveyances will benefit the communities of Scituate, Nantucket Plum Island and the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of Massachusetts, which will use the property in Scituate.

Preventing Pollution

• Senator Kerry fought efforts to limit the ability of federal and state authorities to require the Department of Defense, the nation’s largest polluter, to comply with environmental and public health laws. This is an important issue for Cape Cod and other areas in Massachusetts working to protect water supplies and the environment from pollution resulting from Department of Defense activities.

• When a Senate committee moved to cut $20 million from the federal commitment to the Boston Harbor cleanup in the 1999 recission bill, Senator Kerry called on Senate appropriators to protect the funding. The cut, which had been inserted at committee markup, was struck and the funding was restored.

• Senator Kerry has joined with the entire Massachusetts and Connecticut delegations to support federal funding to assist Springfield and other Connecticut River Valley cities in reducing the pollution that flows into the Connecticut River.

While Senator Kerry has fought hard to help the people of Massachusetts preserve the Commonwealth and New England’s environment, he has also taken a lead in national and international environmental issues. Pollution knows no borders, and environmental degradation on the national and international level can affect all of us for generations to come. Here are just a few of the important issues on which Senator Kerry has been an advocate and leader for conservation.

Protecting Our Public Lands

Senator Kerry has lead the fight to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from oil drilling. President Bush has pledged to lease the Refuge’s coastal plain, its biological heart, to oil and gas companies. The resulting development will industrialize the Refuge and forever degrade its pristine ecosystem. Senator Kerry believes the benefits of drilling are simply too small and that the Refuge should be protected for future generations.

Safe Drinking Water

Senator Kerry voiced his strong opposition to President Bush’s attempt to rollback drinking water standards for arsenic. According to the National Academy of Sciences, arsenic in drinking water may cause several forms of cancer, damage heart and blood vessels, and may contribute to birth defects. Fortunately, the Bush Administration reversed course and implemented the original proposal to reduce arsenic in drinking water.

Clean Air

Senator Kerry has successfully fought legislative efforts to block the enforcement of the Clean Air Act at power plants, and he called on the Clinton Administration and the Bush Administration to pursue violators and enforce law. Power plant emissions contribute to smog, soot, acid rain, toxic deposition and health problems. Senator Kerry has joined a bipartisan proposal to limit mercury, sulfur, nitrogen and carbon dioxide (commonly called the Four Pollutant Bill) from power plants.

Senator Kerry joined with other Senators to urge the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate mercury emissions from power plants. Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can accumulate in ecosystems and species, especially fish, and harm public health. The Agency announced its intention to regulate mercury emissions from power plants for the first time in 2000.

Global Warming and Ozone Depletion

Senator Kerry has been a leader in the national and international effort to reduce the threat of global warming. The Senator has called on the Bush Administration to fix and finalize the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change, an international agreement to reduce global warming pollution. He authored a successful amendment to the Fiscal Year 2002 budget resolution that increased funding for renewable energy, energy efficiency and climate change research. Additionally, he authored a resolution that passed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee calling on the Bush Administration to engage in international efforts to mitigate the threat of climate change.

Senator Kerry authored bipartisan legislation with Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska that would require the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, one of the first of its kind to be introduced in the Congress. This legislation would provide the framework for understanding how the nation can best reduce air pollution and the threat of global warming.

Senator Kerry joined with the late Senator John Chafee of Rhode Island and others to secure adequate funding for the implementation of the Montreal Protocol to Protect the Ozone Layer. Ozone depletion, caused by the emission of certain chemicals, increases UV radiation that is associated with short-term and long-term health effects. These include cataracts, ocular melanoma and other eye cancers, and death associated with cancers of the eye


Senator Kerry cosponsored legislation to increase federal support to restore polluted industrial sites to economic use. Called brownfields, many of these sites continue to pose environmental and public health threats and prevent the economic revitalization of neighborhoods around the nation. The bill was signed into law by President Bush.

The Marine Environment

Senator Kerry was a lead cosponsor of the Coral Reef Conservation Act, legislation to create a national program to preserve, sustain, and restore the condition of coral reef ecosystems. The bill was signed into law by President Clinton.

Senator Kerry cosponsored legislation to encourage the restoration of estuary habitat through more efficient project financing and enhanced coordination of federal and non-federal restoration programs. The bill was sponsored by the late Senator John Chafee of Rhode Island, and it was signed into law by Clinton.

Animal Welfare

Senator Kerry led the effort to fund the Animal Welfare Act. The funding, approximately $5.5 million, was dedicated to inspections, investigations and ensuring that animals raised and harvested for food are treated as humanely as possible. The effort was a leading initiative of the U.S. Humane Society. The funding was secured as part of the fiscal year 2002 budget.
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MaineDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 03:28 PM
Response to Original message
51. Fought for nurses
Edited on Wed Jan-21-04 03:29 PM by MaineDem
Kerry teamed with Ted Kennedy to fight against mandatory overtime for nurses. He co-authored the Nurse Reinvestment Act encouraging more nurses to enter the workforce and improve training, education, and retention for those who are there today.

I could list more but you only asked for one.

Edited 'cause I hit CAPS LOCK by mistake.
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Hawkeye-X Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 04:14 PM
Response to Original message
55. My question is still not answered...
My question was this:

Name me ONE significant piece of legislation that Kerry proposed, crafted, fought for, and passed in his Senate career.

I don't want to hear about the awards (I'm sure Kerry deserved them all)and his accomplishments -- I'm only interested on what Kerry has proposed, crafted, fought for, and passed in his Senate career. I am not talking about sponsoring a bill. I'm talking about his sitting down, thinking of the bill, writing it down (with help of his staffers) which means "crafting", and fighting to see that bill passed.

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aldian159 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-21-04 04:28 PM
Response to Reply #55
56. What, in your eyes, is "Significant?"
No sarcasm, but if you offer some examples of what you see as significant, perhaps we can find them.

Here's a starter: The Three Equal Rights Amendments of the 1960's could be called significant, but, alas, Kerry didn't work on them.
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