Too funny!
Richard Nixon’s Revenge
The American Conservative Magazine, by Pat Buchanan"The hired hands CBS picked to investigate its “60 Minutes” debacle may deny it till the cows come home. But liberal bias ruined the career of Dan Rather—and CBS News. The CBS of Walter Cronkite’s salad days is gone. And the beginning of the fall of network news can be traced to that era, right down to the day and month."
Ldotters respond:
Great sentence at the end of the article about how the gun exploded in the face of Dan Rather as he tried to bring down GWB.
Reply 2 - Posted by: BJVE, 2/5/2005 9:44:13 AM
So, what was accomplished with their deceit. History will prove that President Nixon was a surperior man as is President Bush. Rather and et'all need to get over themselves.
Reply 3 - Posted by: Not So Little Nell, 2/5/2005 9:44:17 AM
I wish my parents were alive to see this day. It's their revenge also.
Reply 6 - Posted by: ChicagoWilson, 2/5/2005 9:46:02 AM
Nixon had that crazy war won if Cronkite hadn't put his opinion out there. I really think that the socialists took Nixon down for being too good at calling them out.
Reply 8 - Posted by: Sunflower, 2/5/2005 9:53:56 AM
The alleged treasonous/treacherous remarks made by the Fifth Column, or the Enemy within the USA by kronk-not-wound-so-tite, and hanoi heinz kerry kept the war with Vietnam going on longer than needed, caused more lives to be lost, as the VC general wrote in his book, about the tet offensive, rather than let President Nixons ideas work. We had the War won, but kronktite couldn't let that happen, so he aided/abetted the enemy, as blather-memo-gate tried with his forged documents. Fortunately blather is too small a male, as is the other two above mentioned.
Reply 10 - Posted by: JHSMom02, 2/5/2005 10:06:55 AM
"Now, millions of Americans have favorite websites and blogs they read before even picking up the morning paper or tuning in to Katie Couric."
Nope, canceled my paper two years ago. Read Lucianne and Drudge instead. And it's not Katie. It's Fox and Friends with E.D. If I watch a blonde on the news, I want one with brains, not a bimette like Katie.
Reply 11 - Posted by: grewco1, 2/5/2005 10:10:18 AM
#7, I'm already snickering watching the long slow painful death process of the ancient beauty queen known as rather (with a small 'r'). Too bad the other ones didn't get a come- uppance as well (you listenin' Cronkite?).
Reply 13 - Posted by: Italiano, 2/5/2005 10:26:17 AM
The corruption, sleaze, indictments, perjury and treason, not to mention the periodic untimely deaths, of the Clinton Administration, the effects of which continue to this day, make the Nixon "scandals" seem quaint.
Note to liberal buffoons: Nixon didn't even know about, much less authorize, the Watergate break-in. Ask John Dean about that. Better yet, ask his wife about the notebook...
Reply 14 - Posted by: r1k75tl, 2/5/2005 10:47:08 AM
This is so much fun,makes up for all the years when I was the only guy my age who A. voted for Nixon and B. was NOT at Woodstock.
Reply 20 - Posted by: Aunt Kiki, 2/5/2005 12:14:47 PM
Gosh, how I love this! Pat, you made my day! I emailed this to a bunch of friends. I'm one of those who just cried when Nixon resigned....actually I became physically ill in 1960 when he lost (thanks to ghost voters) to JFK! This article is a keeper!
Reply 22 - Posted by: cym rhondda, 2/5/2005 12:25:47 PM
Dear Dan. Parting is such SWEET sorrow.
Hope you have a miserable retirement with your old friend Walter 'Commie Crankcase.'