First take a look at this, from a great buzzflash interview with the co-author of "Hunting the President", Gene Lyons where he outlines the attack campaign the Republicans will use against Clark, among other things.
This written on October 22, 2003:
BUZZFLASH: You're probably one of the most well-informed journalists on how attack politics play themselves out with a culpable media, based on your extensive research and writing on the Clintons. How do you think the right wing is going to go after Clark? What can he expect? What advice would you give Clark and the people who are working for him?
LYONS: Well, the outlines of it are already evident. They're saying he's too tightly wrapped, which is kind of akin to what they tried to do with John McCain. They're saying he's a zealot and tends to become unhinged. They're suggesting he's crazed with ambition.
I wrote in a column a couple of weeks ago that one of their lines of attack would be to portray him as sort of General Jack D. Ripper, who was the megalomaniacal general in Dr. Strangelove who was so concerned with his precious bodily fluids. And that's what I think they will try to do. They might go all the way to the edge of suggesting some kind of mental illness. I don't think he's very vulnerable to that sort of smear."
That link: look at a few of the comments thrown into the current hit piece:
"...So I'd say Howard Dean is a sane man pretending to be crazy. Whereas General Clark gives every indication of a crazy man pretending to be sane."
And this: "But what shifts him from unprincipled and thoughtless to the out-of-his-tree category is stuff like this:
''If I'd been president, I would have had Osama bin Laden by this time.'' "
And then the finish:
" Clark was sold to the Democratic Party as a military man of peaceful manner: Generals are from Mars, but this one's from Venus... At best, he's a thin-skinned, vain, insecure man with a need to insert himself at the center of every story; at worst, he's a paranoid megalomaniac narcissist."
Follows the Republican attack script to the exact letter, I would say. The content "content" in that piece can be debunked, but that "content" was just a frame to hang the "Clark is nuts" mantra onto. In the real world you don't get to be head of strategic planning for the Pentagon by being "nuts", but they aren't dealing with the real world, they are fabricating one from convenient fragments.
So what? Knowing what we now know that they threw at John McCain, would anyone who thinks well of that man now advise him never to run for higher office? Of course not. That is surrender to intimidation. No, play it like a Boy Scout, "Be Prepared". I share Gene Lyons assessment of Clark. Here is something else Lyons said about Clark:
"Clark's intellectual brilliance may be more apparent than Clinton's, because Clark doesn't do the "aw-shucks Southern country boy" act the way Clinton can do it. So you're struck immediately with how intelligent he is. At the same time, he listens to people and pays attention to what they're saying, and responds like a human being.
I want to be careful how I say this, but he has an almost feline presence -- and by that I don't mean "catty," as in bitchy. I mean like a big cat. I once encountered a mountain lion in the Point Reyes National Seashore in California, on a rainy day in winter, when I was all by myself. We stood stock still staring at each other for a few seconds. And there was this moment of "Gee, that's a cougar, this is really cool." And then an instant later, came the feeling of "My God, that's a lion!" There's nothing between me and him, no fence. Clark has a little bit of that kind of presence. You sense a tremendous personal authority about him held in and contained by self-discipline. Not somebody to fuck with, is another way of putting it."