I've just watched Rumsfeld on the Sunday morning shows. Late Edition is on now, and they'll have him too, so I'm sure there will be more to make my head spin.
When asked about the "You go to war with the army you have..." statement, he says that it was taken out of context. Really? Even when you listen to the whole thing, he basically said that we went to war with what we had, and are still playing catch up.
He also talked about how the other side isn't playing fair...they aren't wearing uniforms and acting like an army. Did anyone think that they would? I was out of a job when the Iraq invasion started. I sat up all night watching the embedded reporters on CNN. I remember distinctly watching Walt (is it Rogers??) ride with the tanks across the desert on the road to Baghdad. Along the side of the road were men with guns, acting thrilled to see American troops, cheering them on. My thought was "Yeah, and when the troops pass, they close in behind them". Why is it that I could see this, but the paid intelligence professionals in the government couldn't?
When asked about Iran, he tapped danced all over the place. George S. asked him point blank if there are military operations going on in Iran right now. His response was "Not to my knowledge". George S. said "Wouldn't you, off all people know?", and his response was "Yes, but thre aren't any to my knowledge". This translates into "Yeah, we're in there, but I can't/won't talk about it. I won't give you a point blank 'no' because later you'll call me a liar."
Both shows asked him about his attempted resignations during the Abu Grahib (sp?) mess. He says he was willing to resign, but * wouldn't hear of it. He said that there was no way he could control what was going on way over there. Why offer to resign then? Because he didn't know if he could be effective in his position. Translation - The public was calling for his head, and he wasn't sure if he was about to be fired, so he offered to quit first.
He's on with Wolf Blitzer now, but I'll admit I'm only half listening to him as I type. Why is he on nearly every show? Are we supposed to be satisified that Iran is not the next Iraq just because he says so? Are we supposed to feel better because * expressed confidence in him by not accepting his resignation? If that was the intention, sorry media spinners, it just didn't work!!!