On Meet the Press this morning, I was cheering Ted Kennedy's tenacity in not giving in to Tim Russert's wide-eyed questioning of him as to how he could possibly not prostrate himself before the Great One (Shrub) and mutely rubberstamp everything this crazy criminal comes up with.
After Sen. Kennedy slapped Russert with hard-nosed answers to his from-the-mouth-of-Karl-Rove questions about Iraq, Russert slipped into the predictable fallback position of the Kool-Aid drinkers, namely (paraphrasing): "But you have to admit the President did a great job rallying the country after 9/11."
Sen. Kennedy then decided to soothe the bug-eyed Russert with words of limited agreement.
Has anyone else noticed that no matter what the subject, when the truth about their Beloved One starts getting too unavoidable, too harsh, too indisputable, the fallback is -- "but the President did a great job with 9/11."
First, there's ample evidence if it wasn't for this "incurious" dolt being installed as POTUS in the first place, those Towers would still be standing. But that aside, the first thing I remember of Shrub on 9/11, was there was only silence from the President of the United States to the country in one of its most critical hours for hours on end -- and in the moments of the actual crisis no one could get through to him on cell phone?! What the hell!
Then in the days that followed, I remember a scared-looking little man who came to admit that on 9/11 he "was just trying to stay out of harm's way;" who thought leadership was about repeating well-worn dialogue from old Westerns -- "smoke 'em out...dead or alive;" who immediately divided the country into "us and them" by equating criticism of his boneheaded moves with "anti-Americanism," who wasted no time in cutting much-needed funding to the very heroes who cheered him when he did his through-the-bullhorn thing on top of the ruins, and who also wasted no time in lining the pockets of fat cats with his deficit-producing tax cuts, but most of all, when bin Laden was trapped in the mountains of Afghanistan, off we went to Iraq based on a tissue of lies... that's "splendid" "magnificent" "superb" "outstanding" leadership?!....
Bush did a freaking MISERABLE job of "leading" this country after his MISERABLE FAILURE in protecting it(coming up with that phrase is probably one of Dick Gephardt's best legacies).
I wonder if history will ever set the record straight on Bush, the worst and most criminal president this country has ever seen.